Q U E S T I O N N A I R E + N O T E

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thank you, thank you, thank YOU so much for giving Linger a chance and reading it! I appreciate you! ❤️

below the asterisks you'll find a questionnaire about how you found the story, so if you'd like, answer as little or as many as you'd like!

 there's no right or wrong answers :) every answer is incredibly helpful.

Your answers will help me understand how I can improve my writing so the sequel will be even better for you!! ❤

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1. At what point did you feel like "Ah, now the story has really begun!"

2. What were the points where you found yourself skimming?

3. Which setting in the book was clearest to you as you were reading it? Which do you remember the best?

4. Which character would you most like to meet and get to know?

5. What was the most suspenseful moment in the book?

6. If you had to pick one character to get rid of, who would you axe?

7. Was there a situation in the novel that reminded you of something in your own life?

8. How many chapters did you read without stopping when you first found this story?

9. What was the last book you read before this? And what did you think of it?

10. Finish this sentence: "I kept reading because..."

11. If you could change anything about this story, what would you change?

12. What songs remind you of this story?

13. Is there a character you can relate to most? If so, which one?

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Thank you so so so so so so sooooo very much for answering and just being incredibly supportive readers throughout this story!! ❤ your votes and reads mean the absolute world to me and your comments have brightened up my days more than I can count!

thank you for staying with this story for long. sending you many many many hugs🤗🤗🤗 💕

Hope to see all of you in the sequel for even moreee fun!

I appreciate you and adore you so much. thank you for being here.❤️

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