On The Run Again

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---??? POV----

I ran through the dark alleyway, the sound of my footsteps echoing loudly of the walls as I skidded round yet another corner trying to shake them off. Behind me were my....let's call them partners in crime, trying to keep up with my pace.

I risked a glance over my shoulder to see the police still hot on our tails. I smirked at how persistent they are. 

"THEY JUST DON'T GIVE UP DO THEY?" Someone yelled from my right.

I turned to see Killer, running along beside, me an amused expression on his face as he took a glance over his shoulder. 

"Let's loose them then shall we?" I yelled. Killer nodded in response. "METHOD Z!" I yelled to my group.

They all immediately reacted. 

We had set up a bunch of code methods for if we got caught or were being chased. Method Z meant me would all split up in different directions in the hopes to shake off the ever persistent cops and then meet back at our base.

Killer rocketed down a random alleyway as I took a sudden turn. I could hear the guys separating behind me and the calls of the police as they split up after us. This will be a piece of cake I thought, crossing my fingers for good luck.

A shadow blocked the sun for a moment before light hit my face again, I looked up to see Geno jumping from roof to roof, a normally successful way he uses to escape the police. He never misses. Well, he hasn't fallen yet. We're all waiting for the day when we hear a yelp followed by a sickening crunch.

Genos been in the gang from the beginning with me, he's our lookout. He's got an advantage from up top on the roofs of houses. I self consciously held my breath as he launched through the air before landing perfectly on the next roof and ran to the edge before jumping again.

Everyone knows Geno is fragile. We just never say anything because we know he doesn't care if he lives or dies. 

He was following me from above checking for an ambush or any cops that had managed to loop around us and set up a surprise attack.

I looked behind me again and smirked when I saw we'd finally lost them. I then turned sharply down an old road where all the houses had been abandoned years ago. The lazy council hadn't done anything with them so they were left to rot. Which was fine by us. They make the perfect hideaway bases.

I came to a halt outside the twelfth house on the street. It was a crumbling red brick building with intimidating ivy chocking the walls and rotting windowsills. All the windows were blocked with wood or black masking tape. It looked as if it were about to collapse at any moment, but we know its sturdy enough to be classed as our definition of...safe.

I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I unlocked the door and slipped into the darkness where Killer was already waiting with Dust.

Those two are the youngest of our group so far and are a year into College . A bit risky I know, but it does kinda lower any suspicion for them.

Geno then walked down the stairs, I assume he'd entered from the crumbling chimney that led into what used to be the guest bedroom. I smirked at him. "Sup Santa" I snickered.

"Ha ha very funny Error" He responded dryly. 

I laughed soon everyone else was crowded into the living room the whole gang.

We all sleep in the lounge, sprawled on sofas or on mattresses that had been randomly left around the room. There were seven of us in total. We did have eight but one of our men, Fresh got caught by the chief of police when he was out dealing with drugs.

It had always been a risky job but the 90s trash was just there at the wrong time I guess. Everyone in our little 'gang' had a their own personality and a job to do.

Geno is lookout, Dust gathers intel, Killer is normally a distraction, fresh was our drug lord but he's gone now, there's lust....he....well let's skip him. Horrors our muscle or the one to axe someone down if the need arises. We don't normally kill it's only if we have to. Then there's Nightmare....To be honest he's still a mystery to me.

He's been with us from nearly the beginning but he usually keeps to himself not really caring about anyone. He's still a secret to the public and the police, they haven't caught him before and no pictures have been caught they all come out in a blur. His Blue eye locked with my mismatched ones and I looked away quickly, shivering. His tentacles and the slime that covers him still bothers me. He's never told anyone about his past and no one has dared ask.

Then there's me.

Little old me. Designated Leader. I come up with the plans and method. I'm in charge of calling all the shots. It may sound like a big job but it's cool we all respect each other equally and never take anything seriously. In the end we see the criminal life we live as just having a laugh. Sadly the police don't see it that way though.

They've been searching for ages for our base but they haven't found this one yet. Our last base caught on fire when Killer left the oven on. Thankfully, no one died. Dust did get burnt on his arm though.

I collapsed on one of the dirty, old faded sofas, tired now. I shut my eyes, humming to myself softly as I smiled. And within seconds I was dragged into comforting sleep.

Hi this is the first chapter of my story and I hope you enjoyed it😊
The front cover pic was drawn by me.
Happy reading

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