Chapter 1

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One Month Later

Over the past month Colson and I have seen each other a total of 3 times. Not a lot but we've talked nonstop. Every chance we got. It's the 3rd week of October... The week of my birthday. I've talked to my sister,Ali, and decided to go see her, Dalton, Aiden, and Audrina.

Right now I'm at my place getting ready to leave to Kentucky for raw. After raw I'll be headed to Ali's. I've asked Colson to go with me, but he didn't seem interested. And I don't know if I'll be able to see him on my birthday. It sucks...

There was a knock on the door. I went to answer it. Good ole John. "Let's Goooo!! Grab your shit!" "Calm down, I'm ready. Just help with my bags" he sighed and walked passed me. "Thank you!!" he walked to my bags and grabbed most of them.

"Talk to Colson?" "yea, early this morning. We haven't been sleeping well". "Aww do you two need each other???". "Hush it John!" he laughed. "Is he going to Ali's?" "Not sure. His schedules pretty tight." "I'll go with you, if you want". "You really want to go?". "Ya, hell I've talked to them enough on the phone. Might as well!". I smiled.

We got on his bus and took off. I laid on John's couch as my phone started to ring. "Hello?". "Hey babe" Colson's exhausted voice said. "What's wrong?" "Just tired" "Meeee too!" "are you guys on the road yet?" "Yea, have been for an hour". "Cool..... you're going to your sisters when again?". "We're staying in bowling green, Kentucky that night of raw. And it's a 2 hour drive to her place. So we'll leave bowling green at like 12 tomorrow." "Oh. Not bad. About that...." he sighed. "You can't go". He snaked his lips. "No, ash...... I can't". "That's fine... maybe some other time then." "I'm really sorry! I want to. I just cant." "I know, its fine". "You sure?". "ya, hey I gotta go." "Okay.. bye babe" "bye" I hung up and laid there fighting tears.

"Everything okay?" John asked walking to the front of the bus. "Ya... great" I wiped the tear on my cheek. "What is it?" He sat down by me. "Colson?" I nodded. "He can't go" "nope" "hey on the plus side... I'm going with you" "ya, but now I won't see him for my birthday..." "ohh.." "and I don't think he knows that" "hey, it's fine. We'll go and have a great time. It'll be okay." "I hope..."

My phone started vibrating.. text message from... Colson

~please don't be mad!~
~I'm not... it's just now I can't see you on my birthday~
~I'll make it up to you!~
~ya, the next time we see each other. Which is god knows when.u~
~I know... we'll make it work remember!~

I sat my phone down. "That him?" "ya.." I got up and went to the bathroom. "Uhh brit!!! your phones ringing!!" I finished up and opened the door. John stood there on my phone. "She's right here!" he handed me the phone. "Hello?" "WHAT THE FUCK! I said I'm sorry! I can't take time off tour! I told you that!! I can't control it!!! don't get mad and 'ya' me!! I accepted that you can't always come to things. ACCEPTED MINE!" "woahhh woahh. Calm down! Why are you yelling??" "Don't bullshit me!" "okay, what is going on!?" "STOP ACTING LIKE YOURE FUCKING CLUELESS!" I sighed. "Colson...i understand you can't come. I just don't like that you're not. I'm not mad at all! I'm just upset I won't see you." He let out a sigh. "I know... I can't control these things." "I know" "you can't get mad-" "I'm not mad colson!!" "Don't yell at me!" "Oh like you did when I answered the phone!?" "oh my god... DONT FUCKING 'YA' ME! you know I hate that shit! you do it all the fucking time when your pissed at me!" "colson for the 3rd time... IM. NOT. MAD. AT. YOU!" "Watch that fucking tone with me!" I rolled my eyes and returned back to the couch. "I'm hanging up.." "FINE THEN I DONT GIVE A FUC-"

I put my phone down on the couch. "Why do things have to be difficult?!" "what just happened?" John asked. I shook my head and covered my face. "Dont...." he sat beside me knowing I was about to cry.

I sat there with John for a little bit, till I decided to lay down. I left my phone with john in case Colson calls to yell at me some more. This is the 3rd time this has happened. Colson blows up at me for no reason. And it always when we don't see each other for a while.

John said we were 3 hours away from Bowling Green. Thank god! I can just get in the ring and forget all the issues with Colson. I laid in the back in the bed. I slowly drifted to sleep.

I stood in a empty white room. No windows, just white walls. I looked around. "Where am i?" I said to myself. "You're back where you belong" a voice said from behind me. I turned to it. "Colson?" I questioned. It looks like him. But something's off. I can't tell what... "it's me babe" he walked closer to me. "Where are we?" "where we belong" "which is where?" "babe..." he put his hands on my shoulders. "It's fine. You're here with me. That's all that matters" I looked up at him. So... graceful. "You look-" "shhh. Come here" he pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you so much babe" he squeezed me. "I've missed you too" he squeezed tighter. And Tighter. "Colson" tighter. "You're hurting me, colson" I tried pushing away. Nothing. Tighter. "Colson!!". Gone. He vanished. I looked around the room for him. Nothing. "Colson?" "HELP! BRITTANY!! HELP ME!!! BABY PLEASE!!!" Colson's voice yelled. I turned in the direction it came from. A door appeared in the room. I ran to it, swinging the door wide open. "COLSON!!??" "BABE IN HERE!!!" he screamed in pain. I ran down the long hallway searching for him. My heart beat grew louder and louder. "COLSON!!" "HERE!! BABE HELP MEEE PLEASE I NEED YOU!" His voice got louder as I approached the very last room. I opened the door. Colson's helpless body laid there. "Colson?" I asked frightened. He's body shot up. I stepped back. Instead of stepping back into the hallway. I backed up to a wall. Colson got up. I turned to the wall. The door was gone. I looked back at colsons body. "Colson?" I whispered. He took a step closer to me. I panicked and started banging on the walk to get out. I looked back at him. Right by me. I squeezed my eyes shut.... "please don't hurt me" I felt his breath on my neck. I froze. My body tightened. "I'm not gonna hurt you" he placed a hand on my back. "Babe, I could never hurt you" I slowly loosened up. I lifted me head to look at him. He was suddenly across the room. "Colson?" he moved his hand from behind his back reveling a knife. "No...colson" he smiled and held the knife up to his throat. "No! noo!"
RED. RED. RED. came pouring out His body fell to the floor. A tall dark figure was left where his body Stood. "Welcome back"

Screaming! "BRITTANY!! wake upp!! brit!" John shook me awake. I shot up in the bed panting. "Hey, hey calm down. Your fine" "wheres Colson!?? where is he??" I panicked. "Shhh shhh hes on tour remember" "no, no..." I shook my head. "Hey it's okay. You had a dream. It was just a dream. It's not real!" "not real?" "no" "it's not real!" I started to cry as John brought me into a hug.

He got me to calm down. We are 10 minutes from the arena. I held my phone in my hand debating to call Colson or not. Screw it
1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. Voicemail.
I sighed.

The bus came to a stop. "We're here!" john said coming from the back. I nodded. "Call Colson?". "Tried... didn't answer." "Ohh.. well come on!! you don't need to be down! cheer up!!!" I looked at him. "Come on girl!!!! smile!" "you're so dumb!" "Up! up up up up!! lets GOOOOO!" I laughed and got up grabbing what I needed.

******* welllllll WELCOME BACKKK!!! I hope you guys enjoy the sequel. First chapter!!!!! What do you guys think?!,!? Yes orrrr nahhhhhh????? Haha.

Since this was longer than usual. I will update tomorrow!! I'm on summer break so I have plenty of time to update.

Anddddd a sneak peek all the chapter will be about the same length as this one sooo enjoyyyyuu!!!!!! *****

The Dream: Complications (MGK/WWE Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora