Chapter 20

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*During the match***

I laid on the top of gale


. What?
I waited for the refs hand to count 3 nothing. I looked. Someone pulled the ref out of the ring. I got up to see who. A girl in a hoodie stood staring at me smiling. Jojo. "What the hell!??!"

All if a sudden the lights went out.
I turned trying to find something anything really. I felt cold hard metal hit my back. I cried out and fell to my knees. Another hit..





I laid flat on the mat. Hits still coming. The sound of the chair striking me filled the whole arena. Finally it stopped.
The lights came up. I laid motionless.
Gale got up and flipped me over realizing I'm out. She covered me.
The ref somehow back in the ring.



Oh great.
I'm about to let down every WWE fan in here....

All the divas and superstars backstage...

All fans worldwide.

Out of no where
Kick out.

No one believed it. Hell neither could I. Did I get kick out?
Gale freaked and pulled me up by my hair and forced me into the corner. She climbed up the ropes taking me with her. Top rope. I started fighting back. She had me ready for a suplex. I got out of it and pushed her off. Sending her to the mat below. I stood up on the rope, holding my bruised back. I went to jump.


Jojo reappeared she hit the ropes. I lost my balance and fell, crashing down on the hard floor outside the ring. Ya... that wasn't suppose to happen.
I grabbed my head. I felt something warm start to drip down. I felt it on my hand. I looked.

The medic was at my side. "Brittany? Can you hear me?" I faintly heard him ask. I nodded slowly. Things started to blur and move in slow motion. He opened my eye and flashed the light in it. I blinked. The medic was pulled away by Gale. She pulled me up and threw me back into the ring. She climbed in after me. She pulled me up and forced me back into the corner.

She ran across the ring to the opposite side. She turned the. Charged at me. I moved. She went head first into the steel post. She cried out and grabbed her shoulder. She stood back up furious, and come at me. I sat up against the ropes and tried pulling myself up. She reached out for me. I got up picking her up with me

Body slam.

The crowd roared. I quickly moved to her flipping her over for my finisher. I applied it. She screamed in pain and agony. The ref asked if if she wanted to tap. She shook her head. I gripped tighter.


I released her, she rolled out of the ring. I laid flat, blood gushing from my head.
"Here's your winner! The NEW tna knockout champion and still your WWE Divas Champion! Brittany!!" Lillian announced. The ref gave me the belts. I rolled out the ring to my feet. The doc and ref at my side holding me up. The doc asking questions. "Can you walk?" I nodded. They helped me walk up the ramp. We reached the top. I shook them off. I looked to the crowd I held both belts up. They cheered. I smiled and lowered the belts kissing each one. I turned and went back stage.

Right away, medics swarmed me. Things started to blur again.
They rushed me to the trainers room. They laid me down and started cleaning the blood off my face. "Move! Is she okay?!!" I heard johns voice ask from outside the door.

Soon steph and hunter were in the room asking questions. "She needs stitches... 5 maybe 6. We can do them here or she can go to the hospital-" "no!" I found myself say. "No hospital. Just do it here!" John pushed his way in, and came to my side. "Okay." steph said giving the doc the okay. "John.." doc said forcing John to step away from me. "John you have to go! Your match is minutes away!" Hunter said pushing him out the room.

The doc removed the now soaked bandage from my forehead. "I'm gonna numb you first so you'll feel a sting."i nodded. He prepared everything and started

6 stitches later...
The cut finally stopped bleeding. They had ice bags on my head and back. They gave me some meds for the pain. I started to feel somewhat better. They turned on the tv in the room so I could watch johns match against tna's world heavyweight champ, bobby Lashley.

"Look at you..." Rome said from the door way. I half smiled. "Quite a beating you took." "Part of the job right?" He laughed and sat in a chair beside me. We both watched the main event.
Johns hand raised high.
Rome stood "yes! I knew it!!!" He cheered. Streamers filled the arena. Team Wwe locking in the win. Claiming the best wrestling program title. John celebrated with fans as wwe superstars went out applauding.

The show ended and everyone walked back stage.

Eva gathered my stuff together for me and brought then to the room before she left. John was soon in the room.
"Hey there champ." He said standing at the foot of the bed. I smiled. "Back at ya" "ya but I'm not the divas champ and the tna knockout champ." "True"

"We have to wait for all the fans to leave before we can go. Plus.... you need to rest!" I rolled my eyes. "Great..." "Don't! You're resting!!! Whether you like it or not!" John demanded. I rolled my eyes again.

My phone rang. Ali.
"OH MY GOSH!! Please tell me the bloods fake!" I laughed.
"Wish I could... im in the trainers room with 6 stitches in my head." She gasped.
"How do you do it?! I could never! I mean really!! What were you trying to do?!"
"Well to be honest. I didn't know Jojo was gonna interfere. So that shocked me as well."

She went on talking til finally they gave us the okay to leave. We piled in the bus, john helping me to the couch. He turned on the tv since I'm not suppose to fall asleep for the next 7 hours. Doctors orders, just to do sure I don't have a concussion. The bus driver took off to the next stop. John went to his bed to sleep. I sat on the couch and looked at the two belts on the table.

History has been made.

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