Chapter 3

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We chilled at the house and talked some more. Ali said the kids will be back at 3. It's 2:30 now. Me, Ali, Parker, John, and Colson are sitting on the back porch.

"So... you and kells..." Ali said breaking the silence. I looked across me at Colson. He looked down smiling. "Uhh... what about us?" "How'd it come about?" "Well remember I told you about my 2 week vacation?" "Ya.." "Well kells and his boys live there with Kenny. And I didn't know till I arrived." Colson looked up and gave me a funny look. "What?" he smiled and shook his head. "Kells?" he mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Colson, my bad!!" he smiled. "Okay, continue!"Ali rushed. "And I don't know," I laughed. "Oh, ya and Kenny failed to mention kel-Colson stays in my room soo... we had to share the room." "Y'all got a little busy huh?" Parker asked.

Colson and john started laughing. "Oh I wish...." I looked at Colson. Parker started laughing. "Well none of that happened!!!" "So, that's it?" Ali asked. "We went out a couple times..." "ohh how fun" "ya-" Parker's phone started ringing. "It's Pam" he answered it and walked inside. "A couple times??" colson said to me. I rolled my eyes again. "Shit we went out every night!" "My bad! why don't you tell the story then" he looked down shaking his head. I got up and sat on Colson's lap. I put my arms around his shoulders. "You mad bro?" he laughed. "No.." "Good!"

The back door opened and in ran


"Auntie Brit Brit!!" "Aiden!!" he ran into me as I got off Colson. I picked him up. "I've missed you little man!" "I missed you too" it's been almost 3 years since I've seen him. "You're sooo big!!!" "well duhh auntie I grew!" I laughed and put him down. "Look at you!" I said messing up his hair. "You're so grown up!" "Auntie I'm only 5!" He said holding up 5 fingers. I laughed. "Yes you are" my eyes started to em water. Parker came out with a car seat. "Audrina want to meet your auntie Brit Brit?" he talked to the 7 month old baby. He placed her on the floor. There my niece sat. My first time seeing her in person. My eyes started to water even more. "She's so cute!!" "you can get her out if you want" I did just that. "She has so much hair!!"

I sat with Audrina on my lap. I looked over at Aiden sitting by Ali. He was staring at John. Aiden watches WWE all the time! "John" he looked at me. I nodded my head towards Aiden. "Hey there little guy." John said. Aiden got shy and hid behind Ali. "Don't be shy, go!" Ali said nudging him to move. He did.

He smiled up at john.

We hung out on the back deck for a little bit. Ali asked me to go with her to go shopping for dinner. We left with Audrina. "Is it weird being here?" "Little bit. Everything's so different." "Yup. White House has grown alot!" "Walmarts still the same!" "Same things never change!" we parked and got out.

"Think you'll get recognized?" Ali asked as she put Audrina in the cart. "Guess we'll find out" we started down the aisle. "What sounds good for dinner" "anything!!" "Enchiladas it is!"

We got all the stuff we need and headed to the check out. We put the stuff up on the counter. A group of guys walked passed us. "Woah wait" one guy said. "Ali?" she turned towards him. "Hey?" "It's me Adrian!" she smiled. "oh my god Adrian!! Look at you!" she hugged him. "What are you doing home?" "Just graduated college." "Really damn" he chuckled. My head snapped up. Adrian. That chuckle....... Great. "So what are you doing?" he asked Ali. "I'm getting dinner with," she stepped aside so he could see me. He smiled.

"Brittany, it's been too long!" "So it has" I smiled. "How you been?" "Good, ya know living the dream" "Oh yea! you're in the WWE." "Sure am. Youngest Divas champ ever." He smiled. God that smile... "Nice well you look good! what are you doing later?" "Having dinner with Ali and her little family, my friend John and my boyfriend" "Right, you and that rapper." "Kells, ya" "That sucks, are you back for good?" "No, vacation for my birthday tomorrow." "Oh, well Happy early Birthday. " "Thank you" "How long you here for?" "Till Friday morning." He nodded. Hes friends stood behind him whispering. "We should hang before you go" I let out a light chuckle. "What?" "Boyfriend" he looked down laughing. "Thank for breaking my heart!" he said covering his chest. "Oh please." I said rolling my eyes. Hes friends laughed.

"$41.17" the cashier said. I grabbed my wallet. "No" "What I got it!" I pulled out a 50. I handed it to the cashier. She handed me back the change. "Well I guess I'll see you around?" Adrian said brushing his hand threw his hair like he used to. "Maybe... someday." He smiled and started walking backwards. "Okay" he bit his lip and left.

We got the groceries loaded in the car and took off. "Adrian was flirting with you alot!!" "uhhh! no! he was a jerk in high school. Fuckk thatt!"

In high school I had a harmless crush on Adrian. We had U.S History together. After that class ended we started texting and hanging out. Came close to kissing once. Never did. Out of no where one day, he stopped talking to me. I ride to talk to him. Nothing. I ended up leaving it alone. We ended up not speaking till this day.

We pulled into the drive way. We started grabbing bags to take inside. All the boys came out to help but I got most of it. "Damn! need help!?" "no I got it!" I said walking last them, through the door.

****kind of random. But the next chapter is wayyyyy better. It'll be up tomorrow!!


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