Chapter 12

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Day After Christmas.

I thought I'd be okay after everything, but things are worse. It sucks. I spend Christmas at my ace in Miami. Doing nothing just sitting around blank. I didn't know what to do.

Casie blew up my phone yesterday, asking where I was. Cause I told her before everything happened I'd be there. She said in her many phone calls/voicemails/texts that she'd asked her dad where I was and he'd ignore her. How am I suppose to tell her what happened and why I'm not there? I'm not the one who should tell her.

The media started a story about how kells and I might have broken up and possible reasons. No we're close to the real reason. We haven't came out and said were not together. But I'm sure they could find out by his recent post. I thought it was bad before bit now.....

Things at WWE are okay. Everyone knows what happened. I stay in johns bus till it's time for my match then I return to the bus after.

Today were in Chicago for Raw. They called me in to a meeting at talent relations. A normal divas meeting

So I thought.

Stephanie, hunter, john, and mark sat in the room as I entered.

"Please take a seat brittany." Stephanie said pointing to a chair facing them. I slowly walked to it and sat. "Is it just us?" "Yes" hunter answered while shutting the door. "Okay...."

Hunter returned to his seat. They all looked at me with concerned faces. "We called you in here today, well cause were worried." Steph started. "About?" "You, you've shut yourself off. Now I know it's horrible what happened I understand how hard it must be in you but with no disrespect.... we have a show to put on. And at first we thought you were okay and were handling it well but over time it shows. And in the ring for that matter. You're not the same. You can tell you're hurt in the ring and we can't have that. We need you as one of the top divas. Well actually the top diva to be just that. On top. To perform on top. We just want you to feel better and cheer up. Your still the Divas champ we don't want to take that away from you. So please don't make us." I nodded.

"Look I'll help in anyway I can. I know you still have stuff at Kenny's right?" I nodded again. "Okay well, since I have a guest house why don't you just move in, so you're not at your place alone." "No john. I can't thats your place with nicki.". "I don't mind. And neither does nicki. We want you there. And it's not like you're in our house you have your own and it's connected. We can have our own privacy when needed." "You sure?" "Yes! 100 percent! I'm worried about you and I'll do anything to get you feeling better."

I half smiled. They continued to talk for another 20 minutes, telling me future plans and how they want me to start writing screen play for them. And then me needing to cheer up. Blah blah blah. It's not my fault I wasted over a year of my life with some guy who decided to cheat from the start. And it didn't even seem to phase him. Sorry I don't know how to deal with this.

For the main event that night it was me and John vs Ortan and AJ. We ended up winning. After raw I rode to Cleveland with John and nicki in johns bus. I called Kenny her said the guys are gone for a tour in Canada. So that means kells won't be there. And won't know I'm there till they come back.

We got to Kenny's. It was only him at the house. I went to the room where my remaining stuff was suppose to be.

"Uh? Ken? wheres my stuff?!" I asked as soon as I stepped foot in the room. "What?" "My stuff??!! Where is it?" He came in to the room. Kells bed sat in the room. Only his. My broken bed and night stand gone. Alone with my clothes in the closet. "Umm.... I'm not sure." "Well is my other stuff still in the garage?" "I don't know. It should be."

We walked out to the garage thank god. My many boxes still piled up in the back. We loaded those up in johns bus.

"OKay, now wheres my other crap?!" "Let me call and find out." He pulled out his phone and called kells.
No answer.

He called slim.
"Waz up man! How'd it goin in the Us?" Kenny laughed.
"Pretty cold, how bout you guys?"
"Probably colder! I'm freezin my ass off in this snow!!"
Kenny laughed again. "Wheres K at? I just tried callin him, he didn't pick up."
"Of course he didn't. You know him. Plus he's a bit busy right now....."
"Well it's Kells so... I'm sure you can figure it out."
"Oh.... well maybe you can answer this question them,"
"I went in kells room and all Brits stuff is gone. Where is it?"
"Well.... he burned half of it. And I managed to save to clothes. Everything else. Not so much."
"That son of a bitch." I mumbled.
"Oh.. where'd you put it?"
"It's down stairs I the storage room."
"Alright I was just wondering."
"It's cool"

I went down stairs to get my stuff. Burnt it? Really?! Not like I did anything to him. I should be the one burning his shit!

John helped me load the clothes while nicki sat back and watched. It's a bit too cold for her. We said bye to Kenny and the house and drove to Flordia.

when we got to Flordia and to johns house we unpacked everything of mine into my new place. Which is wayyyy bigger than my old place and Kenny's combined. John and nicki helped un pack and organize things.

I started unpacking an old box. I looked up at john. "What?" "Look what I found..." I held up a CD. "And?" I waved it. "Oh!! Is that one of kells CDs?" "Yup.." I brought it down in my lap. "What are you gonna do with it?" I got up and went to the stereo into new living room. I put it in and pressed play. "I hate him. Not his music.." I returned to my spot in the floor to finish unpacking. Save me played. Nicki continued to unpack kitchen stuff.

I looked down in the box and saw something I totally forgot about. "Oh my gosh..." I picked it up. "What now? Another Cd?" "Nope!..." I opened it. "My old song book... when I used to write. It wasn't much but. Damn." "Let me hear something." "No. It sucks. I was like 12" "so who cares!" Nicki joined in. I flipped through."heres one my sister liked." I started singing.

"God I was lame..." "What!!! That was good!!!" I looked up at john. "Please.. you're kidding right?" " No! That was amazing!!!" "You've never heard her sing before?" Nicki asked john. "Not like that!" "She sings all the time in the locker room. We tell her all the time she's good." "You should totally start singing forreal. WWE has their own label. Plus they could hook you up with some features. You could maybe-" "john! Please!," I chuckled. "You only heard one song. Calm down. I'm not that good." "Bullshit!!! Come on I'm serious! Start writing more! I'll contact some WWE people to get you some features in songs, release a single. Have the WWE universe blow it up. Have it play on radios! We can do this!"

Me and nicki looked at each other and laughed. "I'm serious!!!" John half yelled. "I see that!" "Just at least practice writing again! I think this would be really great for your career." "If you say so" "come on its a new year already. Make it a new you."


Hope you enjoyed!😏

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