Chapter 21

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The media has been all over WWE! And me! They're still talking about wrestle mania! I'm still the holder of both belts. While I love, but I'm busier then ever! Both WWE and TNA events. I attend every show and fight most of the time. I alway wanted to be a fighting champ. That's exactly what I'm doing.

I guess kells is starting to get over things. After I won at wrestle mania he tweeted about me...
•Congrats to the new TNA Knockout and WWE Divas champ.•
It wasn't much but it's a step forward.

To celebrate the victory the band released our 2nd EP. They went crazy! Several artist shared it so their fans checked it out. Things have pecked an all time high. There's paparazzi everywhere I go now! They're waiting outside hotels, gyms, and near johns bus. John had to hire more security.

The passed two months Owen and I have hung out. He's going back to UK soon. Which works cause WWE's about to go there for a week.
I've been fitness training like crazy. I'm always in the gym now.

Right now I'm in johns house, passing through to head to the pool. The door bell rang stopping me in my tracks. "I'll get it!" I turned and went. I opened it.
"Aye!" Slim yelled and pushed in. I stood still. The rest of the guys piled in. Dre,Dub,Rook, and Kells. "What are you guys doing here?" "Came to hang with John." Dub said. "Why?" They laughed and walked away from me in the house. I shut the door.

"Come on! At least seem happy to see us!" Rook said I half smiled and followed them to the kitchen. "Going swimming?" Slim asked noticing me in my bikini. "Yes..." I said backing away to the back door. "Have fun." Kells mumbled. I turned and walked out. Great... Thanks for the heads up john!

I did my water work outs and relaxed a bit in the pool. I then got out to tan. I laid on a lawn chair. I put on tanning oil on and laid back closing my eyes.

"Brit!" Johns voice said from the back door. "Ya?" "Owens here!" I sat up. He's not suppose to be here... At least I didn't tell him to come over.... John stepped aside and out walked Owen. He smiled. "Hey there." "Hey?" He walked over to me. "What are you doing here?" "Decided to stop by." I nodded. He leaned down to kiss me.

"You look so beautiful right now." I smiled and moved over so he could sit he did. "Okay..." he turned to me. "They call me back early. I leave tonight.." "Oh... so you didn't just want to stop by. You came to say bye.." "Ya. but you'll be there in 3 weeks! So it's not a good bye." "When do you leave?" "In a few minutes I have to go.." I looked away. "Well, let me walk you out." I got up and grabbed my towel wrapping it around myself. I lead him back through the house and out the front door.

He tuned to me and pulled me into a hug. There was a honk. "I gotta go." He whispered letting go of me. I frowned. He kissed me. "I'll. see. You. In. 3. Weeks." He said in between kisses. I smiled. "Can't wait." He turned to the car. "Bye." "Bye".

I walked back in the house and into the living room where everyone is at. "New boy toy? Or boyfriend?" Slim asked as I walked in. "Boyfriend". "Oooo Brit got herself a juice head!!!" Dub joked. I rolled my eyes. "Looks like she's officially over you K!" Dre said. We both looked away. "Ya... guess so." He simple said. "Are y'all two gonna continue to hate? Just forget about all the bull shit. It's been over a year!" "Forreal! This shit is awkward! Just call it truths." Kells looked up. "I mean... I'll forget everything and move forward." "So?" "I'm good with it!" Kells said more confidently. I looked up. "Sure.. were good." They smiled. "About time!" "Hug it out! Hug it out! Hug it out!" Dre started chanting. I shook my head. "Too soon dre.. Too soon." Kells said before taking a drink.




There you have it

I do have 3 chapters I was gonna make part of this book. But they don't really go with it. They go more with book 3. I might just post them on this story to keep it together.

But I don't know when that'll be

I'll try updating soon

Hope you enjoyed!!!!

And there's a pic if the Harrison twins. The left one is Lewis and the one on the right is Owen!!


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