Chapter 17

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We made it backstage. "I just win my first moon man. This is not happening!" Em hugged me. "You earned it!" I smiled at him. "Thank you." "Don't thank me." "No really. Without you... I wouldn't be here." "Well, if I remember correctly. John set up the studio time. I think it's him you should be thanking. I just sign and work with people I think are going somewhere." "For what it's worth. Thank you." "Your welcome."

After the show

I went with Em and Miley to an after party. Kenny, Matt and Charlie met us there.
The drinks started flowing...

I opened my eyes to load banging. I lifted my head and looked around. The fuck? The banging continued on the door. I'm in a fuckin bath tub.... "Brittany! Wake up!!!" I groaned and got up. Woah... Head ache. I opened the door. Kenny. "Dude! It's 4 in the afternoon!!!" My eyes widened. "What!!!" "Johns here to pick you up for Raw! You have to go now!!! Your stuffs already down there. Just go!!!" He rushed me out the door. "Wait! What?....time out!!!" "What? You have to go!! Johns pissed!!!"

He walked me down the hall to the elevators. "Where are we?" "Downtown LA." "What!" "Right! Now come on!!" "Wheres Miley and Em?" "No clue. We lost them half way through the night." We got in the elevator. "How'd we get here?" "Fuck if I know!! Matt and Charlie found me upstairs. I'm just as lost as you."

We made it down and outside. Johns bus parked right out front. "Good luck." Kenny said hugging me. I smiled. "How pissed is he?" "Livid". "Great...

I turned to walk to the bus. "Wait! Phone!" Kenny said reaching in his pocket pulling my phone out. I turned back and grabbed it. "Thanks"

I knocked on the door of the bus. The door flung open! You're late!! Like not even a little late! You're overly later!!!!! I opened my mouth to protest. "No! I don't care! Just get on the bus! Were ready gonna be late for raw!" I quickly got on, walking passed him. Nikki stared at me. She smiled. "Party hard??!!!!" She half yelled. I closed my eyes and grabbed my head. She laughed.

John walked into the kitchen area. He grabbed Advil and a bottle of water. "Here." He handed it to me. "Go Sleep it off. We'll be at raw at 7." He went to the back room closing the door. "Man hes pissed at you." I nodded and went to my bunk. I climbed up and passed out after taking the Advil.

"Hey wake up! Were here." John said lightly shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and stretched out yawning. "What time is it?" "6:40" he started walking away. "John. I'm sorry. I didn't know what time it was or where I was." He stopped. "Just don't let it happen again." He said walking off.

I got up, grabbed what I needed and went in. I ran past everyone and headed straight for the locker room. I showered and got dressed in my ring gear. I put on a jacket and went to hair and make up.

They rushed my make up cause I have a match soon. They left my hair damp.
As soon as they finished they rushed me to the stage area. Jojo stood by the curtain. I stood back, taking a deep breath. She heard me and turned around.

"You are so dumb!! You're lucky I don't kick your ass right now!!" "Excuse me?" She stepped towards me. "You think you can hit my boyfriend and get away with it!" Crap. I totally forgot. She flipped her hair and turned away.

All events if last night replayed in my head. Gosh. I looked down. I heard foot steps approach I looked. Kells and the guys. They surrounded jojo. She laughed as they talked. I stood back.

The current match ended. Ortan came threw the curtain. He walked towards me. "Get that head up!" I looked up. He smiled. "Congrats on the VMA!! First wwe wrestler ever to win one!!" I smiled. "Thanks". "Cheer up! You got a match! Be stocked!!" He said before walking away. I grabbed my belt and put it over my shoulder.

"Your on! jojo go!" Sound guy said. Jojo and kells walked out. Great. Hes ring side. Again. "Brit!" Sound guy said. I walked to the curtain. Slim and the guys still standing near it. I looked at them. Slim smiled. "Hey sorry for what K said last night. He was way drunk!" "It's fine." He nodded. I walked out to the stage.

Thanks to my hang over and to mark, telling me to lose, I lost the match. Of course only cause kells interfered. They're going with this new story line of me and jojo and kells. Fun right.? Not..

I walked back stage. I went to the locker room and changed. After I went to eat.

I sat and starting eating a plate of fruit and scrolling threw my phone. My twitter blown up more than usual. I check.

•dumb bitch! #ESTFAM•
•She use to be a fan, why did she just bash us?! #ESTFAM•
•Kells was right to cheat on her... #ESTFAM•

The list went on. I saw a TMZ tweet.
•Mgk fans riot over Brittany's VMA performance!•
There was a tweet from kells.
•Disrespect me, okay. Disrespect my family and team... now you've crossed the line #ESTFAM #dumbbitch•

Great.... I set my phone down and picked at my food. Kells and the guys came in and served plates. I went back on my phone to look busy. I decided to text Wes... It's been awhile.

I sat back. Someone sat across from me, I looked. Rob Van Dam. He smiled. "Hey stranger!" I smiled. "Hey" "Tough loss tonight." "It's whatever." He nodded. "How you been?" "Okay, you?" "Fantastic!!!"he said loudly. I laughed. "There's that laugh I've missed!" Rome said sitting beside me. I looked at him. "Feelin better?" "Yup. Not hung over anymore.... I think." He laughed.

We sat and small talked. My phone buzzed, I quickly grabbed it hoping for Wes. John.
~Marks looking for you.~
As soon as I read it, mark walked up. "Brittany!" I stood. "Mark." We shook hands. He had people behind him. I smiled. "I would like you to meet Dixie Carter from TNA." She smiled and held out her hand. I took it. "It's an honor to meet you. I grew up watching TNA." "Aww well you're too kind," Her very thick country accent said. "This is Michael, also known as Ethan Carter the third." I smiled at him. He returned the smile as we shook hands. "Big fan" I said to him. "Back at ya."

"So. What brings you guys to WWE?" "Business, were working out a deal with Mark here." She smiled. "Yes and I had to introduce her to our Divas Champ!" Mark said. i smiled. "It's an honor." "Well we'd love to chat but we have other things we need to get to." Mark said ending the conversation. "Oh, you're fine. It was nice meeting you both." I smiled and shook their hands. "You two." They walked off.

I sat back down "weird..." "A bit." My phone buzzed. Wes finally! I texted him back. Nikki and Brie came up to our table. "Hey badass" Nikki said sitting down. Brie followed. "Hey" Rome smiled. "Not you..."
We laughed.



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