Chapter 10

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After slim took the picture of us, we left. We got to the hotel and well it's LA. Word had gotten out about us going out to eat. Paparazzi were everywhere. We finally got to eat and then left. Again, paparazzi. Some camera crew was walking in front of us.

"Hey, I'm Tom from TMZ. Can we have a quick word?" We ignored them. Finally, we got to the car. We got in and left.

We got back to the hotel and up to the room. Let's just say I wasn't wearing the dress for very long.

"Wait." Colson looked at me. First time he's stopping this. It's normally me.


"Before we continue, I wanna say something."

I gave him a puzzled look. "Okaay...?"

"I haven't said this in what seems like forever, but I really truly believe now it's real," he looked into my eyes, "I love you." It was like I just heard his voice for the first time. I smiled at him.

"I love you too." The biggest smile came across his face. He put his hand under my chin to lift my face to his. He leaned in. For some reason it feels like the first time we kissed. Some thing definitely feels different. A good different.

Late October

Day After Birthday

It's Friday night. The day after my birthday. Which was a blast! 21! I had the biggest hangover! Colson, the boys, and some WWE people took me out clubbing. Everyone bought me shots. I think they were trying to get me drunk.

It worked. I barely made it to bed. Colson had to help me. I think some birthday sex went down, but I really don't remember. Crazy night.

I sat up in Colson's bed at Kenny's.

"Damn, my hes it still pounding."

Colson walked in laughing, "That means you had a great ass night."

I smiled, "I did! And now I have to go home and get ready for Monday night."

Colson let out a groan, "I don't want to hear you have to leave. Just stay here with me!" He laid down on the bed.

"I wish I could."

My phone started to ring. I reached over and grabbed it. FaceTime Allison.


"What up shithead?"

"Laying down being lazy."

"I can tell! Have fun last night?"

"A blast!"

"Ya I saw some pictures."

"It was crazy!" Colson said to her.

"I bet, well hey I'm calling cause tomorrow is amber and Lucas' Halloween party and I think you should come. It's been 4 years since you've last seen everyone. I figured everyone would drop what happened and move on."

"I see what you're saying but that's kinda late notice."

"Ya well it's family Brit. I know you miss them and me, even though it's only been a week." She smiled.

"I don't know. I'd have to think about it."

"No thinking! just come! I've already talked to everyone and they've all agreed not to say anything. Plus, everyone's going! jenny and Carlos ate flying out. So is Chrissy and Joel and Liz. The whole family! come on."

"Like I said... I'll think about it."

"Colson! please talk her in to going."

"I can't make her do something she doesn't want to do. But if she does decide to go, I'll be right there with her. In case anything does happen."

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