Chapter 7

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Ali came back. And later on Parker came home from work. Still no colson. We decided to go to Olive Garden to eat. Johns treat. We all parted wants to get ready. I got dressed when my phone started to ring.

"Hello? Colson?" I heard him breathing.

"Uh hey. I'm sorry my phone died when I got here. I just found a charger."

"Oh it's fine. Hey we're about to go out to eat. When do you think you'll be back?"

"Uhhh.. I'm on my way back now."

"Okay hurry back."


I sat on the bed waiting. 20 min ties passed and Colson walked in. "About time!" "Sorry. I got caught up." "It's fine. You just gotta hurry up if you want to go to dinner." "I'm ready now." He said laying down next to me. "Okay... Who'd you go see?" "An old friend." "Oh.. Cool. Well we should get moving before Ali gets mad" I said getting up. He groaned and got up after me.

We walked down stairs and piled in Ali's mini van. Ali driving with Parker in the passenger seat. The kids in the middle. And john, me then Colson squeezed in the very back.

We got their ate. Paid and left. We hung out a bit before it got late and time for bed. I just got done washing my face in the bathroom and made my way back to the room. Colson was already under the covers dosing off. He's acting a bit weird since hes came back from his friends. Who I still had no idea who it is.

I turned off the lights and laid down beside him pulling the covers up. He had hes back to me. "Colson?" "Mhmm?" "Are you okay? You seem a bit off." "I'm just really fucking tried so can we just crash." "Okay.." I turned to my side away from him and went to sleep.

1 Week Later.

Leaving Ali and the kids was just as hard as the first time. Colson didn't go back to Miami with us. He took his own plane to Cleveland to see his daughter Casie. I hope I get to meet her soon.

Well it's been a week since we left Tennessee. Colson is hosting a Halloween party in a Vegas night club. So me and some of the WWE Divas are going.

Me and the girls are in the hotel room getting ready. I've decided to be a cop this year. "Brit are you almost done?!" Nikki asked as I finished my make up. "Yes Nikki. I just have to find my..." I looked around the bathroom. "Hand cuffs!" I clipped them on the belt. "Ooo gonna use those later on tonight?" Nikki nudged me. "Never know." I smiled.

There was a knock on the door. "Brie can you get that!?" "Yea.." I turned the bathroom light off and walked out. Colson and the boys walk in the room. "Damn." Colson said as he looked me up and down. He walked up to me putting his hands at my waist. "I think I need to be arrested." He smirked. I giggled and looked up at him. "I think you do too" he leaned down and kissed me. "Okay you two. You can do that when we get back come on were gonna be late!" Ash came in the room. I pulled away. "Gotta obey the boss."

After the Club

"Damn what time is it!??" Slim asked. "Man I don't know" Colson replied. "We gotta get back to the hotel. Before Ash wakes up and realizes were still out." Dub said sitting on the curb in the club parking lot. "I have no idea how I'm this drunk.. I'm not even legal to drink..." I slurred as I sat beside dub. "Yea no shit."Rook laughed. "We need a damn cab! Where the fuck are they!?" Dre said looking up and down the empty street. Slim looked down at his phone. "Damn it's already 5:30. The sun should be up soon." "Ugh.. Let's just walk back okay!" I said struggling to get up. Colson caught me. "Ya.. Who the hell gave you a drink!?" "Shut up"

"Hey! Hey!" Dre jumped up and down to get the cab drivers attention. The pulled over. "Yes. Thank you so much" dre said to the cab driver. "Let's go y'all." We got in and went to the hotel. The girls left hours ago. I think they're getting a bit old for the whole party deal.

We pulled up to the hotel. Slim paid the driver as we walked towards the entrance. "Did you get your own room or room with someone?" Colson asked as we walked to to elevator. "I got my own. I like my privacy." We got in the elevator. The boys are on the 5th me the 6th.

We reached their floor. "You want me to stay with you?" Colson whispered in my ear. I nodded. The boys got out. The doors closed and took us up. "So.. About that arresting?" I said into Colson's ear. He smiled and looked at me. "What about it?" I smirked. The door opened and I ran out. "Oh no you don't!" I got to my room. I tried sliding my card in. Colson came behind me. Turning me around. Pinning my arms up over my head. "Where you think your going?" A devilish smirk on his face.

"To bed. Why?" He leaned down and planted his lips to mine. He grabbed the room key out of my hand and opened the door. He picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we walked us in the room. Shutting the door behind. He walked to the bed and laid me down. "I've been waiting for this" I pulled him down on me. "Well you don't have to wait anymore" he smiled.

The sound of my phone ringing pulled me out of my deep sleep. I rolled over grabbing it off the night stand.


"Hey where you at?" John.


"Where are you at?"

"What do you mean?"

"You forgot didn't you!!"

"Forget what?" He laughed.

"November 1 at 3 o'clock. We have a work out session to do? Ring any bells! Were getting paid!??"

"Fuck... I totally space. Damn. Wait... Is it already 3!??"

"Almost! 2:40"


"Are you just now waking up?" I yawned.

"Yes.. I'm so sorry. I don't think I'll make it today. Give my apologies to the class."

"I will. You better be back before tonight. We gotta fly out to the UK in the morning for the UK tour."

"Damn it... I forgot about that too!"

"Haha had that much fun?"

"I remember bits and pieces."

"well I'm gonna let you rest. But make sure your back in Miami soon."

"Okay. I will. Bye"


"What the fuck!" I pulled the phone away. The beating began in my head.

I laid back putting the pillow over my face. I felt Colson stretch beside me. "Who was that?" "John. I was suppose to be in Miami for some work out job." "Oh.." He turned to his side pulling me towards him. I smiled. "Last night was fun." Colson smiled. I nodded. "I finally got what I was waiting so long for" "your so dumb." He chuckled and pulled me closer.

***** I know it's been awhile! I'm so sorry!!!!!! I just typed this last night. So if they're mistakes I apologize. Any ways



I'm gonna be jumping ahead in chapters to get the story going.

And if you didn't get

Yes they did finally do it


I was gonna go all detail in it. But decided not to..

I'm working on the next chapter!******

The Dream: Complications (MGK/WWE Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now