Chapter 9

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Colson walked back in with someone trailing behind. She wasn't very short, but wasn't very tall. Her hair breaded into two breads over her shoulders. She peeked around him. I smiled at her.

You could easily tell she's Colson's daughter. Same smile. "Casie" Colson said pulling her from behind him. He held her in place in front of him. "Hey" I smiled. She looked up at me. Her face lit up. "H-hi" "how are you?" "G-good."

We left Casie's house shortly after. We went back to Kenny's and chilled till it was time for us to take her home. It was alright. We got alone just fine. Hate to say it but Colson was right. She talked wrestling nonstop to me. I was shocked by how much she knew. I told her next time raw comes to Cleveland if hook her up with some free tickets.

9 Months Later

It's the end of September. A lot had happened. In July at the battleground PPV, I won back the DIVAS championship. Against Eva Marie. Colson was there front row cheering me on. We've seen each other all the time even with our crazy schedules. All my free time I'm with him or I'm with Casie and him. Casie and I have hootenanny really close. She calls and texts me like crazy! But I don't really mind.

Right now, I'm flying out to LA to Colson. Tomorrow is our 1 year Anniversary. A whole year... damn. A lot if his fans are shocked. They never thought he'd date someone for this long. Let alone date at all.

Finally the plane lands and I'm on my way to the hotel hes staying at. He's been in LA all week for something with Puff. I rested my head on the back window of the car. Waiting... The car came to a stop. Here. I got out, got my stuff, paid. and went inside.

I reached colsons door. I knocked once. Right away, an excited Colson answered. He attacks me with a very tight hug. "Hey babe" I smiled. "Hey" he picked me up.

"You two are gross!"slim said coming out of the room across from Colsons. Colson chuckled and put me down. He pressed hes forehead to mine. "How was your flight?" "Good." "Good" he pulled my face up to his.

"Really?!" rook said coming outrage same room slim did. Slim walked around us in to colsons room. Rook followed l. I pulled away from colson. "Nooooo babyy!" he pulled me back into him. "Colson.. can we like go in the room. And not make out in the hall way." He sighed and picked up my bags.

We walked in to the room. Slim and Rook on one bed playing video games. And the other bed empty. Colson put my bags down by the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the empty bed. "Come here" he picked me me up and threw me on the bed he climbed on top of me and started kissing me. He started up my shirt. I pushed him off. "What?" I looked over at slim and rook. They were happily playing some Call of Duty game. "Uhh... we're gonna be making some animal noises in a bit. So if you wanna stick around..." right away they paused the game and got up. "Sorry guys. It's been three days." "Just hurry up. And keep it down!" slim said closing the door. Colson looked back at me smiling. "Just grab a condom"

Next Morning

"Babe....wake up!"Colson's sleepy voice said as he kissed my neck. I smiled. "No.." he laughed. "Happy 1 year baby" he said in my ear. I opened my eyes and turned to him. "Happy 1 year" he gave me a quick peck. "Breakfast?" he got up and grabbed a tray from the dresser. "Room service?" "Of course!" I sat up, he placed the tray between us. "Ham and cheese omelet with a side of fruit!"

We ate and showered, got dressed. I laid on the bed as colson sat infront of the tv playing xbox. All the boys came in. "Taking a break?" dub said sitting beside Colson. "I'm letting her recover for a bit." He winked at me. I felt my face heat up. "Did you guys do it in the shower this morning?" dre asked walking out of the bathroom. "What makes you ask that?" Colson laughed. "Well the open condom wrappers in there and no one takes a two hour shower!" "Gotta show my girl how much I lov-" "what!?"

Everyone looked at me. "I'm sorry what was that?" slim said leaning closer to him smiling. Colson looked down. "Uhhh..." he started messing with his hair. "I gotta... show her love for lost time.". "Ya! right!!" rook said. "Whatever y'all." Colson threw the control to the floor and laid on the bed I'm on. The guys laughed the game.

Colson laid with his hands on his face. We haven't said the whole 'i love you' thing yet. I'm sure we both feel it, it's just waiting for the right moment. You don't want to say it too soon and have the other person freak out. Or say it too late. I moved closer to him. I started running my hands through his hair. He sighed and grabbed them.

He pulled me down beside him. I looked up at him, starting to stare. I waited for him to notice. He looked down at me and smirked. "Where do you wanna go tonight?" I asked him. "What sounds good?" "I don't know! you've been here all week. What are some places?" "there's a place a block from here called The Little Door. It looks pretty good." "I'm down. When do you wanna go?" "Well its 3 now. Soo 7:30-ish? that okay?" "Perfect. Now I gotta go shopping!" I said getting off the bed. "For what?!" "A dress for tonight." Input on my shoes. "Want me to go with?" "No, I want it to be a surprise!" "Well I'm not letting you leave with my rental car!" "Why!?" "Cause!" "Fine.." I looked at the boys. "Slim?" he slowly looked up from the tv. "What?" "Can you please go with me!?" "Why me!!" "Cause I need your help!" "With what!?" "Picking out a dress!" "Why do I have to go!??" "Cause I know you'll give me your honest opinion! and you know what Colson likes!" "You two have been together for a year! Don't you know what he likes by now!?" "Please Slimmy!????" I begged. He smacked his lips together. "Fine" "Thank you soo much!!!! We'll leave in a couple minutes!"

I went to the bathroom to get ready. As soon as I was done we left. Slim drive. We went to a couple places. Finally we found the dress. A backless gold and silver sequenced dress with red heels. I walked out of the dressing room to show Slim the whole outfit. "So?" "Damn... I'm mean... Damn!" "Is that a yay or nay??" "Yay! of course a yay! K is going to be speechless!" "I was going for that."

We finished up and went back to the hotel. It was already 4:30, so I had to start getting ready. I kicked all the boys including Colson out of the room. I finished my hair and touched up my make up. I put on the dress and heels. I went back to the mirror. Something's missing. I looked around. I saw it! I grabbed the ring Colson had given me for my birthday. I put it on. Ready

My phone started going off like crazy. I walked to it on the bed. Twitter, insta, everything! I got on insta.

Machine Gun Kelly has tagged you in a photo.

"For those who don't already know this. This day a year ago I started dating the most amazing woman ever. She's everything I've ever wanted and more. I'm so lucky she's still with me after a year with my crazy ass! I know y'all don't wanna hear this sappy shit but this chick means the world to me. And I don't know what I'd do without her. Happy Anniversary Baby! Now hurry the fuck up so we can go eat! #womentakeforevertogetready "

The picture was a collage of different pictures of us throughout the year. I screen shot it and posted it on Twitter

"How'd I get so lucky? ❤️ @machinegunkelly Happy Anniversary!😘"

He replied.

"I'm the lucky one!😏 Now is your ass ready yet!!?? #stillwaiting"

I laughed. There was a knock on the door. "Yes, I'm ready!! calm down!!" he came in. "Good, its about tim-". I stood in front of the bed. He stopped dead in his tracks. "god.." "Like?" he nodded. "you look... stunning," i smiled. "Slim sure did help!" "Ready?" he nodded again. i grabbed my phone and walked towards the door. Colson still frozen in place. "Come on Colson!" he slowly walked to the door. "let me tell the guys we're leaving." he walked to their room. Colson was as dressed up as he gets. Black pants, black button up with the top 3 buttons unbuttoned, and a black blazer jacket. He came out of the room. "Slim's gonna take a picture of us then we can go."

*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************OOKKAYYYYYYY soooo i have a pic of the dress shes wearign but i cna t upload it............................... sooo ill try later but i really dont want to cause it takes too long to do! sooo i hope you enjoy this update. it took me fooorrrrrreeevvvveerrrrr to type it out!:)

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