Chapter 13

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I took johns word on that. I've been writing like crazy. New me right? Well I hope so.
It's February already and I have some great sings already. I've went to the studio to meet with several producers, one being trinitys dad. They really want me to do it. Be a singer.

Tonight Raws in good ole Cleveland.... I've been back to "normal" but then again I haven't seen him since.....

Johns bus pulled up to the arena. We chilled a bit till it was time to go. John, Nikki and I got our things and headed inside. I walked behind the two love birds. All of a sudden johns name gets called out. We turn to it.

"AYEEEEEE JOHN!!!" Slim, Rook, Dre, Dub, and oh yes... kells walked up to us. Nikki nudged me, we quickly turned down the hallway to our locker room. We walked in. I stood behind the closed door with my back up against it. I leaned my head back and took a deep breath. "Of course....". Nikki looked at me. "You got this. don't worry about it." I nodded and went to change.

I got in my gear and went to hair and make up with Nikki and Brie. We walked up. We heard jojo laughing. I looked to see who she was talking to.

A tall figure draped over her. He leaned down and started kissing her.

I sat in the chair as they started on my make up and hair. I had headphones in. Listening to King for a Day by Pierce the Veil and Kellin Quinn. Some one tapped on my shoulder. "Forget about me?" Slim stood beside me. "Nope, couldn't even if I tried." I pulled a headphone out. He smiled. "What are you guys doing here?" He looked over at kells making out with Jojo. "He's new toy. Why? Don't want me here??!" "Ya! Hate us already?!!" Rook said walking to us. I chuckled lightly. "Never said that."

"But you were thinking it! Weren't you!?" Dub said nudging me. "Absolutely!" They laughed. "So, how you been?" Slim asked breaking the laughter. I nodded. "Im..... good." He looked down at me. "Really?" "Yes, im..... better than I was..". "Okay... good" we grew quiet.

"Gosh... The awkwardness is real!!!" Dre said. We laughed once again. "Aye slim!" Kells called stopping our laugh. Slim turned. He motioned him to come. "Damn." He mumbled before going to him.

"Hey Brit! When's you get here?"jojo asked. I turned to her. Kells and slim both looked at us as if a fight was about to break out. "A little while ago. I rode with Nikki and John." "Oh! I'm surprised to see you out so early. Don't you normally hide out till show time?" "I do sometimes ya. But hey, things change" I smirked at her before turning away. "They sure do"

Bitch! Was she trying to make me look dumb. Or flaunt kells in my face? Really bitch!?? I could care less!

I shook my head lightly and allowed the girl to continue make up.

"So, what's this I hear of you starting to sing?" Slim said before I could put my headphones back in. "Where'd you hear that?" "People.. are you?" "I'm working on it. John thinks I should." "Done any studio time?" "Yea. Not a lot but enough." "Nice, got anything recorded?" "At the moment no. I have a lot written but very little recorded." "Oh. I see. Who's producing?" I raised an eye brow. "Why? Wanna help?" He smirked. "Maybe." "You know if you do some one might complain..." "Nah.. I'm my own person." "You really want to?" "Yea!! That's if you want me to?" I nodded. "Doesn't seem like a bad idea." "Alright!! So when we doin this?" He smiled. "Uhh... whenever! I'm going to Detroit tomorrow for a studio session with someone john set up. He won't tell me who though. So if you want.. text me when you're free and I'll see when I'm free." "What about tonight? after the show?"

"Well I was planning on sleeping but I guess I'm free!" "Great! ugh we'll go work on something." "At the house or?" "The actual studio downtown! I wouldn't put you through that." I smiled. Mean he know I don't want to be around kells. "Thanks slimmy" he nodded.

They finished my hair and make up just in time. Talent relations asked me to meet them in their office. Mark sat across me at his desk. "Well I'm sure you're aware of who's here by now. Machine gun kelly." I nodded. "And we noticed a thing going in with him and jojo. So.... everyone knows by now that you and him are.... well done.". "Yea.." "Well we want to play off that. You have a match tonight against jojo. Were doing this thing for mgk since it's his hometown and were using one if his songs as the theme song of the upcoming Ppv. Hes gonna be ring side for jojo. And..." he smiled at me. "You get to hit him. You're gonna get physical. Stuff like that we already did the run through with him and jojo. They know the drill." I smiled and sat back in my seat. Hit kells huh?

He went on explaining more in depth the whole deal. How it's gonna start. When I'm gonna interrupt. All that

Our match is almost here. I'm standing back stage waiting for the current match to finish. Jojo kell and everyone else walk up. Slim walked to me putting his arm around me. "Ready to beat up kells?" I smiled looking down.

The whole time kells has been here we haven't look at each other or made eye contact. Were both avoiding each other's glare.

John walked up. "Hey guys" he smiled. Everyone said hey. Slim and the guys soon left to go to their seats for the match. John pulled me aside.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll do great out there! You get to hit him! I know it's not a real hit. But still!! Take advantage of it. This is your place not his! Show him you're better off with out him. That you've completely fine." I nodded. "Okay, go kick ass!" He said hugging me.

We did our little hand shame we started doing before each of our matches to wish each other luck. The match need. Roman came threw the curtain. "Wild crowd out there!" He said to me. "Good or bad?" "Both!," He hugged me. "Good luck!" He said pulling away.

I could see kells watching me from the corner if his eye. The sound guy ran up and pushed kells and jojo to the stage. Jerry,the King, announced kells. Him and jojo walked out.

I stood back waiting. The deal tonight is they go out, talk crap, me interrupt, start fighting jojo. It turns into a match. And things go from there. So I waited for my cue.


Whatttttttt. Two updates in One dayyyyy!!!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱

Haha enjoy!

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