Chapter Two

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Bendy's Point Of View

I waited patiently inside the alleyway just waiting for the girl/boy. But whenever I picked up a sound of footsteps, I would be greeted by a couple of strangers in questionable clothing choices. I didn't know much about this strange kind of world. I question some parts of this reality. Sometimes, it hurt my head to think about the certain things. Day after day would be nothing but suffering. Even worse would be those times when s/he didn't show up for days! Her/His voice almost belonged to the angels and I meant that in a way that Alice would become jealous by. I sighed and slumped down to the cold ground. Boris buddy, where are you when I need you? I thought to myself.

I heard the familiar sound of footsteps and felt my heart race as I saw the girl/boy leave her house. The birds chirped as if this were the time to introduce myself. I felt like I had no air yet I still had oxygen coming through. S/he neared closer and closer to where I hid. My heart beat faster and faster. I loathed this. S/he looked up from her/his strange glowing little book. By instinct, I hid myself inside the shadows. S/he walked past without even looking at me. It made me sad and angry. Every time I saw her/him, I wanted her/him even more. I didn't care if s/he liked it or not. I wanted to touch her/him. I wanted to lick her/him.

Yet, in reality, I knew that couldn't be. I couldn't speak to her/him. I couldn't even look natural. Or could I? That thought made me curoiuser and curoiuser. I took a deep breath. Even if I looked natural to them, would the girl/boy l-l-like me? Oh how I wanted my prayers answered. I looked down at my thin noodle body. Maybe it would be possibile. Maybe if I tried.

I closed my eyes and mushed my face around, recalling certain features of the human body. I made my little horns into parts of my black spiky hair. I made my eyes wide while adding a special feature of my eyes where they would change according to my emotions. Like if I were to get angry, actual grey flames would appear in my pupils. Or if I were to be amazed, sparkles would appear in my eyes. The list goes on and on. I then looked down at my body. It looked limp and noodly where I only wore one bow. I thought this would complete my new form but a kid screamed when they saw my apparently 'nude' body. Embarrassment filled my head and I knew I needed more changes done. It took a lot more force and enegry to make clothes. I dressed entirely in black and white as it were the only color I could wear. I fixed my black hair made entirely from ink and checked to make sure my face looked appropriate and normal to others.

In the end, I wore a white dress shirt with baggy white sleeves while also wearing a black vest with a small bow tie. I added some spikes in my hair to also cover up my horns. I couldn't see myself but I supposed I looked normal enough to blend in. I practiced to speak but every time it came out as a gurgling noise. "H-H-H-H-H-He-H-H-He-Hee." It took hours and hours to even create a sentence! I decided that by tomorrow I would follow the girl to where she went almost every day!

If that were possible. I doubted myself.

I waited through the cold night and morning with nothing but my fake clothes on. I would've liked to make a fire with my own hands but unfortunately my 'magical' powers didn't work. When morning arrived, I had become tired but glad. Now, s/he would reveal her/his sercet to me! Hee hee! When the girl/boy finally arrived, I ran out in front of her/him and pounced on her/him.
"Wh-What the heck?!" S/he screamed. A stupid smile spread across my face as I admired her/him. I touched her/him cheek and I let out a sigh of relief. Finally touching true and lovely flesh. S/he pushed me off of her which I took by suprise. S/he looked back at me and quickly walked down the sidewalk. I followed behind her/him to make sure not to lose her/him trail.

Soon we arrived at a tall brick building surrounded by hundreds, maybe thousands of strangers. But not for long! I lost her/him in the storm of many and became afraid that I would never find her/him. I had no knowledge of this place but from what I over heard from other people, it went by the name 'school' or more commonly 'hell'. I managed to find out where to 'enroll'.

I entered a room with a lady with long brown hair. I walked up to her and tapped her desk. She looked up at me. "And you are?" She asked. I became worried. Inky sweat rolled down my face but I wiped it off to fix some holes in my appearnace. I hadn't trained to fully introduce myself non the less know what else to say! I tapped her clipboard and then pretended to write. She must've understood me and handed me a piece of paper.

When I first saw it, so many words popped out. How am I suppose to answer them all?! I looked up at the woman but she had her face glued to a book. I chewed the pen as I had a lot of anxiety built up inside me. For a long while, I tried to gather the courage to answer the questions.

What school(s) have you prevoiusly gone to?
I answered this question with none.

What type of grades did you have?
I answered with okay.

Any negative reports?
I answered with some.

The list went on and on for what felt like forever but finally, I had reached the last question!

What is your full name?
I froze when I saw this question. It scared me so I wrote down what first came to mind.

Benjamin Drew Bender.

When I had finished, the woman looked over the paper repeatedly with me biting my nails anxiously. Time seemed to stand still for me until she finally announced my name into this upgraded microphone. "Attention students and staff, we have a new student by the name of Benjamin Drew Bender! Please give him a warm welcome as it is his first time!" She then handed me a piece of paper with numbers and letters. I walked down the hall while receiving glances from strangers. Keep your cool Bendy. Keep your cool. Boris, where are you when a ol' pal needs you? I entered a room with the same number on my piece of paper. "Class, please meet Benjamin Bender!" I heard a woman say. I jumped at this and looked at the strangers in nice, neat rows. It amazed me.

"Well class, please make room for our new student Benjamin Bender!" Immendiatly, all girls and boys stood up and stepped aside, abandoning to their desks. I walked past and scanned a few rows when I spotted the same girl/boy from this morning. I chose my seat next to her/him so I could admire her/him more. "Are you sure Benjamin?" The woman asked. I nodded as she marked down my spot in the room.

I noticed the girl/boy look at me with wide eyes. I became paranoid. S/he opened her mouth but nothing came out at first. Then s/he asked me a question.

"Haven't I seen you before?" S/he asked.

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