Part 8: The Location of the Cintamani Stone

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[Name]'s POV

I take the zip-line down, dropping off and landing in a destroyed building. Chloe and Nate join me, and we jog over to a giant hole in the wall, taking a look out of it at the building we need to get to.

"Damn it. How the hell do we get across?" Chloe asks us.

I look around the room and find some beams on the wall that can be climbed. "Over here," I say while climbing up the wall, and grabbing the beam that runs across to the next part of the building. I start to slide across the beam when the military helicopter rises up in front of me. It starts to shoot at the two buildings with the machine guns attached to it, making my eyes widen, "Oh shit."

The buildings start to fall and the beam I'm on snaps, making me jump back to the floor Chloe and Nate are on. I grip the edge of the floor and Nate crouches down and holds out his hand, "Here- I've got you! Give me your hand."

I let go of the floor with one hand and grab the hand that Nate was offering me. He pulls me up onto my feet and immediately him, Chloe, and I jump onto some raised window shutters across from us. We start jumping from shutter to shutter, dodging bullets as the military chopper follows closely behind us.

Nate and I go to jump to another shutter when it breaks from underneath us. We start to fall and before we can fall to our death, we grab onto some metal bars of a window shutter. The chopper appears in front of us, and we take cover behind the shutter as we start getting shot at again. The shooting stops for a few seconds, and I take the moment to peek around the side of our cover to see the rooftop we need to jump to with a couple of soldiers on it.

"There's a few soldiers!" I shout over the roaring wind the helicopter is creating.

"Just great," Nate laughs sarcastically while pulling out his pistol.

I grab one of my pistols and prop myself on the edge of the shutter, shooting one of the soldiers. The helicopter starts to fly around the side of the building, so it can try to pelt us with bullets without the inconvenience of the window shutter being in the way. The helicopter appears behind us and we scramble over the shutter and jump to the rooftop behind us.

I spot Chloe taking cover behind a plant box, and Nate and I join her. "Good to see you two again," she states and I pull out my other pistol.

"Yeah, now let's take out these assholes," I say, and we peek out and shoot at the soldiers, killing them. The helicopter shows up again and we stay down as it starts firing at us.

"There's an opening!" Nate shouts and we run out from behind our cover and across the rooftop.

Nate leads us down through a hole in the roof, into the room below when the sound of a rocket being fired fills the air. We look towards the direction of the sound when the wall next to us blows up, the blast sending Nate and I flying back.

We land on the floor, and the helicopter appears outside the hole it blew into the wall and starts shooting at us. We roll out of the way, taking cover behind part of the wall that wasn't blown up. Chloe rushes over and kneels down, her eyes frantically eyeing us as she asks, "Are you two okay?"

"I'm in pain, but I'll live," I say with a chuckle.

"I'm fine," Nate tells her when some bullets pierce through the wall we're behind, one grazing my arm.

"Okay, I'm really beginning to hate this," I grumble, standing up and running past the hole in the wall.

I make it safely to the other side of the room when some soldiers storm in. I quickly flip a table onto its side, and take cover behind it before exchanging fire with the men. Nate joins my side and I shoot a soldier peeking from behind a desk. The bullet pierces his skull and he dies on the floor, blood seeping out of the wound creating a puddle under his head.

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