Part 10: The Beast and an Attack

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[Name]'s POV

"Well, this looks inviting," Nate states while resting his hands on his hips. We look at a pillar with a Tibetan sign on it, and the skull of some animal under the sign. "What's it say?"

Tenzin reads what the sign says in Tibetan, and Nate deadpans. "Why do I ask?" he mutters and Tenzin makes a gesture, acting like a creature or monster, causing Nate to sigh, "I'm not so good with charades, pal..."

"Nate. Monster. He's acting like a monster or creature of some sort," I tell him, and Tenzin pulls out his sword, before walking around the sign and into a cave.

"Tenzin! Why do you need that...?" Nate asks while jogging after him.

I'm left standing alone, gawking, "Did he not listen to one word I just said?"

I shake my head and follow the guys into the cave, joining them by a ledge. We drop down to the path below us, making our way through the snow. The three of us make our way towards a cliff, jumping over a hole in the path. We arrive at the edge of the cliff and Nate sighs, "Oh man, there's no way we're getting across there."

Tenzin kneels down into the snow and pulls a grappling hook out of a wooden box the snow was covering. He walks to the edge of the cliff and starts swinging the rope, making Nate smirk, "Yeah, good luck pal, that's almost impossible to- oh, you did it. Nice."

"You, my friend, need to learn when to shut your mouth and let people do things," I tell Nate, before jumping onto the rope of the grappling hook and swinging across.

I land beside Tenzin, and I wave to Nate who jumps and swings across on the rope, landing beside us. Tenzin climbs down the rope latter on the side of the cliff we're standing on, and I follow him down. Nate climbs down after us, and he leads us through a glacier-like cave beside the ladder. I smile and touch the ice, before walking over to a narrow crevice in the wall. We squeeze in between the ice and into a small area with another wall and a tight opening.

We squeeze through the tight space, leaving the icy part of the cave. Tenzin leads us up a few pieces of ice and crouches down on the edge of a small cliff where an old camp is set up below it. Tenzin mumbles something in Tibetan while looking down at the tent below us. He kneels down and looks around the site, making me tilt my head in confusion.

A few minutes pass by when he stands up again and drops down off a ledge to the ground below us. I look at Nate who shrugs, and we both jump down after Tenzin and walk over to the tent. "Looks like we're on the right track, but there is nothing here... this can't be what Schäfer meant," I say while looking around.

Tenzin picks up a grappling hook that was in the snow near the tent, before looking at us. He says something in Tibetan and points to the top of a cliff. Nate and I look up to see a snow wolf on the edge of a cliff. It stares down at us, before retreating from the edge of the cliff.

"You want us to go that way?" I ask Tenzin who nods.

"Oh, that way, sure... those things are dangerous, but you know- let's go anyway," Nate shrugs while Tenzin climbs back onto the small cliff we jumped off of.

Nate and I follow him up, and he tosses the hook of the grappling hook up into some stone. The hook gets stuck and Tenzin swings across first, landing on the other side. The rope swings back and I jump and grab it, using my momentum to take me over to Tenzin. I let go of the rope and drop down onto the snowy landing on the other side, Nate coming over and landing beside me a few seconds later.

We follow Tenzin around the snowy path and over to a cliff wall with a rope attached to it. The three of us use the rope to swing over an opening in the ground, landing on the other side of the path. We continue running through the snow, when we enter a large chasm. The path narrows out and I jump across another opening, running after Tenzin who ran ahead of us.

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