Fluff 3)Picnic

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Today I am surprising my boyfriend of three months with a nice picnic. Let me explain, Sam has recently been dealing with a lot of stress and hate. We recently came out to our fan base and our roommates. Our roommates were supportive and still are, but our fans aren't as accepting to Sam as they are me. The fans think I would be better of with Brennen and not Sam, but I don't like him. He has also had a lot of stress because of the hate and he thinks that what fans are saying is true. Things like, 'he doesn't love you', 'your roommates hate you because of your sexuality and they're going to kick you out and keep Colby.' and this has caused Sam to not eat properly or sleep properly. The roommates and I tell him everyday that its not true, but today I am going to give him my attention and my attention only.
I packed a basket with some of our favorite food and beverages. I also packed a blanket. You see there is going to be a twist to this picnic. We are going to have it at an abandon place. I packed the things in the car and ran up to our room and saw Sam laying on the mini black couch in sweats and graphic tee.
"Babe, get up and get dressed. We are going somewhere." I saw nudging his shoulder.
"Where?" He said getting up and removing his sweats and sliding into some black jeans, wearing the same graphic tee.
"That, my lovely, is a surprise." I say putting his vans on his feet. I picked him up bridal style ( or should we say groom style? Ill continue writing) and carrying him to my car.
"We are heading out!" I said leaving the house. We got in the car and drove for thirty minutes.
-----time skip.
"Okay baby, we are here." I said helping him out of the car.
"What are we doing at an abandon theme park?" Sam asked.
"Well, you seemed very stressed and you've been dealing with hate, so I thought me and you could go on a picnic and not deal with any of it. I picked the theme park because you said it was one of your favorite exploration we'd done." I said getting the basket and blanket out.
"Babe, you didn't have to do this, but I appreciate it." he said pecking my lips.
"No problem, anything for you." I said as we walked in. We walked around and found a grass patch and the grass wasn't dead, which was surprising, we sat down and started eating. Sam was actually eating properly and that made me happy. After we finished, we layed down in the grass. Sam snuggled up in my chest, "Thank you so much, I love you." and with that his was pulled into a deep sleep.
I wrapped the blanket around him and whispered,"No problem, love you too." I didn't drift off, I stayed awake and watched my adorable boyfriend slumber peacefully.
Wow, talk about a long adorable chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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Word count- 544 words.
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