Author Note

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I know I recently did a author note chapter, or kind of did.

But this one relates to the book.

Okay so I have a few ideas for upcoming chapters, and I wanted to know if you guys would give feedback to see which ones you like or want to read.

Also, they will be Sam x Colby, for I mainly do them, unless it's the short stories.

Also, for all of my 5 Seconds of Summer fans, if I ever made a oneshots or whatever type book, would you guys read it?

So the possible topics are:

Blind! Sam x Seeing! Colby (or vice versa)

Mute!Sam x Colby (or again; vice versa)

Trans!Sam x Colby

Fem! Sam x Punk! Colby

Pastel! Sam x Rocker! Colby

Angel! Sam x Demon! Colby (possible vice versa)

Fem! Sam x Sugar Daddy! Colby

Little Sam! x Daddy! Colby (age play maybe?)

Colby has a dark side but Sam loves him anyway, but turns dark as well.

Same as the one above, but Sam doesn't go dark.

A forbidden love

A love triangle (possible SMUT, possibly Jake or Kat?)

Damaged!Sam x Savior! Colby

hanahaki disease; one-sided love in which they grow flowers in their lungs. And they can either get them removed and loose all emotions or die because the flowers cause them to choke.


So yeah, those are all the possible prompts I have at the moment.

So just let me know what you all think, and I will try my best.

I'll eventually post versions of each possible prompt.

If you guys have suggestions or requests for possible chapters, please message to me!

Thank you!

I hope you all have an amazing day/night!

Love you all, till next time.

((word count 262))

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