Figments of the mind.

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"What's up guys. It's Sam. So I'm going to have a sit down video, for the first time in months. I haven't had the time to answer your guy's questions or comments, because of traveling, exploring and doing 3am challenges." I state looking at my phone.

"So I tweeted earlier asking for questions, in which you guys responded. So let's start." I smile looking for a question.

"From @yodabest," I smile at the name, "What's it like living in California? Love from Canada."

I look at the camera, "Living in California is good, though I do miss the small town of Kansas. But California is a good place, getting to explore and film. It's great. Next question."

After answering multiple questions from fans, I came across one, I liked in particular.

"From @Dimple, have you ever seen any spirits or ghouls after doing 3am challenges?"

I look up from the phone and glance at the camera.

But as I did, something caught my eye.

Beside my editing space was a shadow of figure. It was pretty hard to make out the physical appearance.

"Um, not necessary. I get that I do these alot but, no I don't see any figures." I smile.

"That does it for today's video. Leave a comment and give this video a thumbs up, if you enjoyed. I will see you guys, in the next video." I smile and shut the camera off.

I look back at the editing space, and notice the figure is gone. I shake it off and upload the footage onto my laptop.

Just as I was about leave the room and go hangout downstairs, I see the figure again.

"Woah what the hell!" I shout without thinking.

Without a moment's passing, I hear foot steps running upstairs.

"Sam, yo, what happened?" I hear Colby call as he opened the door.

"I saw something, and it was right beside me." I state as if it's a testimony and I'm on trial.

"You saw something? What was it?" He crossed his arms and looked around the room.

"A women, her face was a pasty white and her hair was mangled and blonde. Her eyes were a shockingly bright blue and she was floating and glowing."

My response was only met with laughter.

"I think you've been reading too many ghost stories and doing too many 3am challenges. Come on, let's go watch a movie or something." He said pulling me downstairs and gently throwing me on the couch.

I sat on the couch, still a bit confused about the actions of the earlier.

He turned on a dumb movie, and by that I mean one of those movies that are so bad it's good. Like Jaws or Piranhas.

We watched in comfortable silence, with me cuddle into his side, slightly dozing off.

Colby was already asleep and I was fighting of the slumber that was pushing itself into my mind.

But before I let the slumber win and take over, I looked in the corner of the room and saw the figure again.

Before I could process the figure, the slumber took over and I was asleep.

Request by- runsolbyrun

Word count- 531.

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