You're mine.

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((I'm going to do put the user that suggested/requested the idea, at the end of part two. Sorry it took a while to upload.))

Sammy was getting really close to Corey.

And that's okay, and normal. I mean we all share a house together.

But it was closer than normal. Too close for my personal liking.

Sammy would blow off our afternoon cuddles to play Rocket League with Corey.

Or would forget about our Tender Greens lunch dates to help Corey film.

I should be happy for them, being able to bond with one another.

But Sammy is mine. No one else's,mine.

I was laying on our shared bed, when the adorable blonde boy came in.

"Hey baby." I smile.

"Hey Colbear." He giggled.

"So you want to watch that movie you wanted to see last week?" I sit up.

"No thanks. Me and Corey are going to go bowling." He grabbed his blue hoodie.

"But you always hang out with him. You don't pay attention to me." I get up.

"I pay attention to you." He said sliding on the hoodie.

"Really, what shirt am I wearing?"

"That pink send it shirt."

"Wrong,  it's a solid black shirt. See you don't pay attention to me."

"You're being an attention whore," He smile, "Plus, its just Corey."

"I'll show you whore." I say grabbing his hips and attacking his neck with my lips.

As a pair of small hands wrapped around my shoulders, there was a knock.

"Sam we still bowling?"

"Oh, he's not feeling well." I replied

I assumed he bought it, because he walked away.

I looked at Sammy and smirked.

"Where were we?" I smirk, before continuing.

Part 2...coming soon.

The song is completely irrelevant to this chapter, but it's a really good song.

Word count- 303.

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