I'll protect you.

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"Hey what's up you guys. It's Sam and Colby." The blonde haired boy said.

"Today, we're back on our home town, Kansas. And we're exploring a barn that was around since we were kids. Today we're here with Alex and Nate." I say to the camera that's on the hood of my car.

"And today, we don't have to worry about getting caught. Not only because it's in the woods, but also because no one bothers with this property." He stated towards the camera.

I nodded, "Shall we?" I hold my hand out for him to take.

"We shall." He giggled, holding my hand and grabbing the camera.

After an hour or so of walking to get to there, "And here she is." I point the camera to the barn.

"I say we go inside and get set up for the night. Then explore." Sam suggested.

I replied with a nod and held his hand, and walk inside pulling him along.


We set our bags down at the entrance.

"Upstairs?" I suggest, slightly terrified.

Nate and the tall giant, I mean Alex, respond with a nod, "Race you."

The two dashed upstairs.

"Be careful, the wood is old and rotted." I call.

Colby grabbed my hand pulling me up the stairs.

Once we were all upstairs, we walked around looking at the barn.

As I was walking, I felt a weak spot in the floor board. Before I could even move from the spot, my leg went through.

"Ah! Ow!" I scream and hiss in pain.

"Sam!" Nate and Alex call out, and grab my arm.

This caught the attention of Colby.

"Ah." I hiss as Colby pulls me up.

"You okay Sammy?" He says once my leg is free.

"My leg hurts like hell. And I'm slightly scared. But other than that, I'm peachy."

Without another word, Colby was scooping me into his arms and carrying me back to the entrance.

I didn't question anything but reacted by holding on.

Nate and Alex grabbed the bags as we walked back to the car.

"After that, I'm always going to  protect you." He replied kissing me.

I blushed and nodded.

Requested by- runsolbyrun, hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was bad.

Word count- 376.

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