Fluff 9) Tell Me why.

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Heya guys,gals,and non binary pals. Today's story is similar to the previous chapter, so trigger warning. Also, I have a bracelet like Colby! Imma put the picture at the end of the story! Anyway, ((compose yourself)) on to the story. Also plot twist on who you might think it is. Oooh.
I'm sitting on the bathroom floor with an item that can destroy life's and end them as well. I place the short piece of steel to my left arm. I made six little- okay large slits. I cleaned them and put on some bandages and a hoodie. Today Elton,Cory, and Colby (my boyfriend) were going to go the abandon mall. I packed the things I needed in my backpack and got lost in my thoughts. My thoughts we interrupted my a familiar pair arms wrapped around my waist.
"Hey you ready, Love?" he asked placing his chin on my shoulder.
"Um, yeah. Let's go babe."
~Le Time Skip~
We were setting up camp and then started exploring the mall again. We started to go towards the stairs and heard a bang of metal. It wasn't a huge piece of metal and it wasn't very far from where we were. It came from somewhere near or really close to us. I was really freaked out by this; 'what if I trip while we are running and my cuts reopened?' I was broken out of thought by something shining in the light in front of me. No one else noticed it, so I went to see what its was. It was my blade, I quickly picked it up and stuffed it in my backpack. Everything went back to normal. We busted out the penny boards and started skating around. I didn't see the rock in my path, well until it was to late. I landed on my left arm. I could feel my cuts reopen. I hissed in pain and the others came running.
"Babe are you alright?" Colby asked grabbing my left arm. I flinched and nodded,"I'm fine. I'm okay."
"Are you sure? You just flinched when Colby touched your left arm." Elton said.
I didn't answer, I just looked away.
"Pull up his sleeve so we can see how bad it is." Corey said. And with that my hoodie sleeve was being rolled up. The guy's eyes met my blooded bandages.
"Sammy, why baby?" Colby asked. The others just looked at me, waiting for my answer.
"I don't deserve this. Any of it." I replied sobbing at the moment. I felt six arms wrap around me.
"If you ever need to talk to, we are all here. Understand?" They said, stern faces lacing their faces. I nodded. We packed up and left to go home. When we got home, Colby cleaned my cuts and changed the bandages. I showered and changed into joggers and a jumper. I walked into the bedroom I shared with Colby, and just crawled into his lap and fell asleep as he hummed calming melodies into my ears.
Hope you enjoyed!
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Qotd- Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone? If so how?

Aa- I did Tech Fair ((I made it to Reginals and got 3rd place. But no state for me)) and I tryed out for tennis.

Here is the picture of the bracelet Colby has. The left hand picture. ⬇

And then here is the one I have

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And then here is the one I have. It says grace. Lol, ironic⬇

Any way, till next time bye guys, gals, and non binary pals!Word count-600

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Any way, till next time bye guys, gals, and non binary pals!
Word count-600

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