Chapter 5 The Chase

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Eric POV

Jason and I were so blown away by our beautiful mate. Perfect size, hair, eyes, body, everything. Well, we don't really care about her figure but it looks pretty good. She's got muscles so she's a fighter and I like that. Its been three days since the meeting and lucky for us we go to the same school. Maybe we can talk to her sister. Jason and I walk over to her group of friends see our mate.

"Inez, can we talk to you?" I ask. She nods and follows us away from the group. "Listen, we need some tips on your sister." 

"This will be fun. Nicole or just Nikki is one of those people who don't trust anybody." she says. "I don't know why but thats just how she is. It'll be hard to get close to her."

"Well, where can we start?" Jason asks. She thinks for a while but smiles. 

"Well, she's been very sexually frustrated because I lost my virginity at 13. It gets her mad when she see's Theo and I kissing. Maybe get your wolfs to lure her's out. That should do the trick to start." she says. I look at Jason who smiles devilishly. God only knows he can turn a girl on.

"Okay, that could work. Will you help us do something?" I ask. She nods but the bell rings. "Here, really quick. Get her to come to the eastern border. We'll be there." she nods and we head in. We're in the same class so I notice she's having problems concentrating with us not far from her. 


Jason and I are sitting outside with our friends Mike, Steve, Charlie and Dan. Humans but they're okay.

"So, have you guys seen that new girl? Carly? She's hot." Dan says. I smile and get the mate feeling. I turn and see Nikki standing with her sister and a few friend. She looks to us every few seconds. I smile and nudge Jason.

"Lets tail her abit and see how she reacts." I whisper. He nods and we excuse ourselves from our group. She walks towards the forest and breaks into a run. "Okay, you wanna play catch?" I say. We shift and start to chase her. She shifts aswell and runs as fast as she can.

"You go left, I'll go right. We'll corner her." Jason says. I nod and we split up. After a few minutes of running we get her between us. "Your ours now love." he says. Her ears go back and she lowers her body.

"Hey, don't be afraid." I say kneeling down as well. She lifts her head and sniffs my snout, than neck. It tickles making me shake. I do the same as Jason joins in and soon we've took in eachother's sent. She smells so good, like pine and cinnamon. I nip at her ear making her shake her head. Jason does the same and we start to tickle her. Wolfs are really ticklish behind our ears and our necks. We carefully nibble at her ears and neck.

"Stop.....I can't breath!" she links. We keep going until she yelps making our wolfs worry and stop.

"Did we hurt you love?" Jason asks. She stands up and shakes the dirt off. He rubs his face against her's making her relax. "Your so beautiful." he mumbles.

"Wait! Does this mean I have two mates?" she asks backing up. I look at Jason than nod. She sits down and rubs her head with her hands. "Great!." she huffs falling on her side.

"Whats wrong? Don't you want the two Alpha sons to be your mate?" Jason asks sitting down next to her.

"No, not that but I don't know how to deal with this. I'm not pretty or worth having as a mate." she says. My wolf whines and I nuzzle my head in her neck. "I don't even know how to be a good mate."

"Hey, your ours now. You don't have to do anything, And don't say your not beautiful, cause you are." Jason says. She smiles and licks the tip of his nose making him sneeze. "Lets head home and we can talk there." she nods and we start for her house, hoping she'll give in and we'll have our mate.


Okay, I really hope this is okay.

Nikki :)

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