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I forgot to tell you how the others look in the story.

Jason: About 6 foot. Dark brown hair, shoulder length. Stocky with deep blue eyes. and a scar over his left eye.

Jason's Wolf: Dark grey with black back and face. White paw tips. Bright blue eyes. 7.3. Extraordinary sense of smell: Can pick up sent from 2 to 3 miles away.

Eric: 5.8. Very dark blond hair. Green eyes and only 4 canines. Stocky like his brother but not as much.

Eric's Wolf: Tan brown with a black chest and paws. Bright Yellow eyes. Only one top canine and more pointed ears than others. 7.1 Extraordinary Sense of Sight: Can see and focus on things over very far distances.

Inez: 5.4. Straight light brown hair. Deep blue eyes. 'Worthless' carved into her skin across her back.  Basic girl body but muscles.

Inez's Wolf: Hazel fur with white spots on her back and a black tail. Bright blue eyes. 6.9 Extraordinary hearing: Can hear everything in a radius of 1 to 2 miles.

Nicole: 5.7. Dark brown slightly curly hair. Bright brown, greenish eyes. Five canines. Stocky, not like Jason or Eric.

Nicole Wolf: Dark brown fur with patches of black. White spot at the tip of her snout. White paw tips and mixture of black and brown tail. 6.7. Extraordinary Mind: Can think very fast and can find a solution to almost everything.

Theo:5.10. brown hair. Green eyes.

Theo Wolf: Black fur. Grey eyes. Grey tail. 6.7. Extraordinary Speed

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