Chapter 24 Birthday Girls

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Nikki POV

Today is Inez and I's birthday. We're turning 16. Theo is 17 and Jason and Eric are already 16. I never paid much mind to my birthday mainly because this is also the day of my mother's death. In some ways I think it's our fault but I know my mother doesn't think that way. We do have one picture of us with our mother just minutes before she passed away. I have it under my pillow always having it close makes me feel better. Inez I think has it worse than me, with all my problems but a girl growing up without her mother is hard for anybody. Kisses on my neck wake me up. I open my eyes and see Jason standing over me.

"Happy birthday little girl." he says. He has to annoy me for being shorter than him. "Time to get up." I groan and roll over.

"But its my birthday, I wanna sleep in." I whine. He chuckles and picks me up out of bed. "Jason, stop!" I laugh as he carries me downstairs. 

"Nope, you don't need to sleep in." he says setting me down on Eric's lap. "I'll get Inez." he walks back upstairs. I lean back and kiss Eric.

"Good morning and Happy Birthday." he says. I smile just as a scream fills our ears. "Its just Inez."

"I know, I'm glad I didn't have to wake her up. She hates to be waken up so early." I say.

"But its already 9." he says.

"Yeah, so for Inez, way to early." I say. He smiles just as Jason walks down the stairs with a moody, kicking Inez. Than he gets kicked in family jewels. He drops her on the couch and leaves the room.

"That looked really painful." Eric says. I look at Inez who shrugs. Than we hear a loud, male scream. Jason's. He walks back in and sits down next to me with a red face. 

"So, did you learn your lesson?" I ask. He nods and leans his head on my shoulder. "Inez, that wasn't very nice."

"Pulling me out of bed without a warning wasn't very nice." she says. "Next time just say 'Inez get your lazy ass out of bed.' That should be enough." 

"Yeah, thanks." he says. I smile and jump up. I almost forgot I got Inez a necklace with a picture of us together. Its a locket, one side of us in human form, other in wolf. I had it made for her in silver. We can touch silver so don't freak out. I grab the little box from under my bed where I hide everything. Inez, when she was little always thought there were monsters under our beds so it was a good hiding place. I walk back down and over to her.

"I got something for you big sis." I say holding it out. Her eyes grow as she stands up, taking the small purple box. Being her favorite color I think it picked at her interest right away. She opens it and smiles. "Before you freak out about how much it cost just open it." she pulls it out and opens the small locket. Than smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"Its one of the best presents I've ever gotten. Thank you so much little sis." she says. Than she pulls out a small box as well. "I found this in the attic. I thought you might like it after I asked dad about it." I open in and see an amulet with a silver M on it. "It belonged to our mother, its the Moor family amulet." 

"Family amulet? Why would we have family amulets?" I ask. She ties it around my neck.

"Our family started our pack many, many years ago. Our great, great, great, great grandfather was a king. King Otto Moor the 2nd. We was the first wolf of the lands. He noticed that as the I'm gonna say virus struck and more became wolfs he started the pack. It grew to one of the strongest packs in the world. 200 years later the Geirsee's joined. As they're family grew stronger, our's grew weaker. The council said that the Geirsee's could hold the pack better and kicked us to the rank of Betas. This amulet was Grandfather Otto's that passed through our family. You are one of the most proud wolfs I know and I thought you would wear it with that pride." she says. Tears come to my eyes as I wrap my arms tightly around her. 

"Thank you so much Inez. I couldn't ask for a better sister." I say. The rest of the day is filled with laughs, memories and fun.


Okay, I hope this was okay. Its really early and I'm still half asleep.

Nikki :)

Double the Love (Book 1 Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें