Chapter 27 The Worries of a Younger Sister

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Jason POV

Nicole has been pacing back and fourth for about an hour now. Neither I nor Eric can calm her down. Theo isn't as worried but he won't talk to us either. 

"Nikki, please calm down!" Eric says. She turns and lifts him up by his shirt collar.

"My sister is missing and your telling me to calm down?!" she yells. "You try calming down if Jason went missing!"

"Hey, yelling at each other isn't going to help." I say. She lets him down and goes back to pacing. "Now, lets just relax and think of anybody who would want to hurt her."

"No, everybody I know loves her. She's just such a likeable person." Nikki says. "Theo?" but he shakes his head.

"No, please! We have.....have to do something." he says. I walk over him and kneel down. 

"Call you father, he can help us. I'll call my dad and the pack can start looking." I say. He nods and pulls his phone out. I do the same and dial my dad.

"Jason?" he says.

"Yes dad, I need you to do something for me." I say.

"Okay, what?"

"Inez went missing. We need to start a search." 

"What? How do you know she went missing?"

"Because Theo was out with her than just blacked out. He woke up and she was gone, not really normal don't ya think. And Nicole is freaking out! Please!." he sighs.

"Alright, I'll get a search group and we'll start looking." he says. "Just stay with Nicole, send Theo to me. They are the best leads to find her." 

"Okay, thanks dad." I say before hanging up. "Theo, go to my house and meet my dad." he nods and leaves. I walk over to Nikki and take her hands. "Hey, calm down, we'll find her. I promise." she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I can't lose her, she's all I have." she says. It hurts to see her in such pain and I understand that the fear is eating her alive but she has to stay calm.

"Listen, you need to relax so we can go look." I say. She nods and we leave for the woods.

"We should shift, it'll be easier." Eric says. We nod and shift, running to Silver River. "Try and pick up her sent." I, having the best nose try as hard as I can but nothing.

"I can't smell her anywhere. It's like she was never here." I say. Nikki's ears jump up and her head jerks to the right. "Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Yelling, I hear her yelling." she says. I listen and hear it as well.

"Is that really her?" Eric asks. We run towards it and see Baxter standing in front of a human girl who's screaming at the top of her lungs while staring at him.

"No please, I'm sorry. I won't hurt ya." he says. The way he's standing is funny. Ears back, frowning, kneeling down. "Its okay."

"Baxter, we don't have time for this!" Nikki says. I walk over to the girl and knock her out. Everybody just looks at me.

"What? Did you have a better idea?" I ask. They shrug and we go back to looking. "Lets split, I'll go with Nikki, you go with Baxter." I tell Eric. He nods and we split up. Hoping to find Irez before its too late.


Short but showing how Nikki really is if she loses the guidance of her older sister. 

Nikki :)

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