Chapter 6 Hunters became the Hunted

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Nikki POV


"Come on! Hit her again!" one of the hunters yell. His friend throws another punch that knocks me off the chair I'm sitting on.

"Nicole! Stop, leave her alone!" Inez yells. I look up and see the one of the three punch her in the jaw. 

"Hey, pick on somebody your own size!" I say pulling myself up. I'll give you names. Redneck, City fella, and black because he's wearing a black shirt. Redneck picks me up and slams me against the wall. 

"Hold her arms." he says showing his yellow teeth. The other two grab my arms as he pulls a large hunting knife. "I've never cut something alive before." he says.

"Please! Please leave her alone!" Inez yells. He drags the knife across my chest making me scream. "Stop!" he does it again and again leaving a large x. Blood streams down my stomach as they throw me to the floor.

"Your turn." he says grabbing Inez and ripping her shirt off. They hold her up as he cuts something into her back. Her screams ring in my ears as I try to stand up. "Stay down, your not done yet." they throw her down next to me. I pull myself up and read 'worthless' across her back. Tears stream down my cheeks as I take her hand.

"We'll be okay, I promise." I whisper before being lifted up and tied to a chair.

"I won't be promising anything." he says picking the knife up. Than sticking the tip into my skin, dragging it down, up, left ,right. Leaving scars all over my chest. I hold my screams in but I start to feel tired. I'm losing to much blood. 

"Shit, somebodies coming! Get them on the tables and act like we're trying to help them!" black says. I'm picked up and laid on a table next to Inez. I take her hand but a loud bang scares me.


"Nikki! Calm down!" Inez says. I open my tear filled eyes to see her sitting on the edge of my bed. "Hey, its okay." she says stroking my cheek. I relax and wrap my arms around her neck.

"Inez, the hunters. They're gonna find us!" I cry. She shakes her head and holds me tightly. "They're gonna find us."

"No, they won't. We're fine. Its been 5 years." she says. I shake my head and hug her tighter.

"I'm sorry, I tried to save you. I tried." I cry. She pulls back and wipes the tears from my cheeks with her thumb. "I really tried." I whisper.

"Its okay, we're fine." she says. I nod and look at the clock. "Jason and Eric are coming today. They can calm you down." she says.

"Ha ha, your sexual." I say wiping the tears away with my blanket. She smiles and hands me some clothes.

"Take a warm shower and I'll make you some breakfast." she says. I nod and climb out of bed and walk downstairs. I turn the shower on and step under the hot water. I look down and see the large scars covering my breasts and lower chest. 5 years later and they still look like it happened yesterday. I wash up and step out, drying off and pulling my fresh clothes on. I open the door and the smell of eggs, bacon, pancakes and syrup fill my nose. Inez is the best cook ever, always making 5 star breakfast, lunch and dinner. My dad can cook too but he's always so tired after work.

"Breakfast is done little sis." she says. I enter the kitchen and sit down, Inez bring in a plate full of food making me drool. "And stop drooling!" she laughs. I eat and afterwards I'm in my room making our beds. "Hey, you okay? she asks from the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. She walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug.

"No your not." she says. I feel the tears flow again as I wrap my arms around her neck. "Its over, theres nothing to worry about."

"I know, I'm just scared." I say. She sighs pulls back.

"Do you still have the scars?" she asks. I nod but the place I have my scars so, my breasts I never really show them. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah, and you?" I ask. She nods and turns around, pulling her shirt up showing the nasty, badly writen 'Worthless' across her back. I run my fingers over the word that taunts Inez. "I'm so sorry." I whisper. She turns back around and kisses my cheek.

"Its not your fault but I gotta go. I'm hanging with Theo today. Jason and Eric will be here later." she says. I nod and sit down as she pulls her shoes and jacket on. "Have fun little sis." she says kissing my forehead and leaving.


Again, so many thanks to my friend  darkfourtriswolfrose

She came up with the idea for the past of the Moor girls. Please check her stories out and follow her. She's really talented. 

Nikki :)

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