Chapter 7: Introductions

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"So... you're saying your not really siblings by blood, but you think of each other as family," said Nami sitting by the table, where everybody gathered up. "I don't think! I know! exclaimed Luffy, grinning widely in excitement.

"That is super cool!" a certain cyborg exclaimed in a hyper way.

Natsu couldn't help but smile at that, she had a brother. A family member — even if they not related by blood — she had someone, other than Anna Sensei.

Someone that's alive and from this century, you could say. Humorous.

She wasn't as alone as she seemed. Then again, she was never alone in the first place. She had Fairy Tail.

"It's the same siblings oath you had with Ace?" asked the blond cook in this crew of pirates. "Yeah." Luffy chuckled happily. He was so happy to see his big sister again. So much so, that he couldn't hold back his big silly grin.

He was so overjoyed!

He just didn't want to think of those dark stuff from the past. He thought of the positive side of the situation.

He was that kind of person, always looking on the bright side. He might seem like a goofball, but he pulls through.

"Speaking of your sister, is she awake? She might be hungry by now. I know she hasn't eaten," Sanji said, who was serving food. "Should I get her something to eat?" he asked.

"That won't be necessary, thank you anyway," said someone, sounding quite exhausted. The whole place went quiet as all heads turned to look at the door of the dining room. "Lucy?" asked Natsu looking worried. He wasn't as suprised as before, but his body still tensed in worry.

"Don't worry. I'm okay. You don't need to ask. I'm fine. Oddly, I don't feel in any pain right now," she said not even bothering to give a reassuring smile. Though, she wasn't lying. She actually felt... okay. Chopper was left curious at that. The test surely were serious yet she seemed to be fine.

Natsu looked at her before sighing. A smile creeped onto his face. A hesitant nod yet satisfied feeling settled inside him.

He was glad... to hear that.

Sanji's eyes were glued on the fellow blonde. He blinked once again proceeding to stare at the blond beauty once more in disbelief, "You are so beautiful, this is so unreal to me."

His heart-eyed stare clear as day with a odd smile. Lucy looked at him in confusion, not sure how to handle the situation. She was flattered, she guessed.  His next moves suprised her, he went on one knee and took her hand. "What a pleasure to meet such beauty on this cruel sea. What was this fair maidens name? Lucy. What a wonderful name you have." he reached to kiss her hand. Instead of proceeding he felt a sharp pain on his head. There were two people responsible for this, sadly Sanji didn't know who.

Behind him was his Captain and the Dragon Slayer Mage he didn't know much of.

"Luffy! What was that for! You moron!" screamed Sanji rubbing his head. He looked at his idiot captain in anger.

Luffy closed eyed smiled his usual smile and unexpectedly there was a unpleasant aura around Luffy. He laughed normally. "Sanji," he laughed again, but it was not as innocent as all the others, "don't get near my sister like that again."

His voice was the opposite of his face. His voice was like poison itself and his face showed his normal overjoyed expression.

Sanji almost feared his Captain, like he was actually seeing the captain side of Luffy. He respects him as a Captain and doesn't take him quite literally. Though, this time was a whole new ball game. Just for that second he took it at heart, but he scoffed right after.

"Wait a minute. I felt two hits!" Sanji exclaimed immediately glaring at Zorro. "Did you do it mos head!?"

He and Zoro ended up quarrelling like little kids after that question.

"They remind me of another pair that always bicker," Lucy said monotonously. Lucy turned to the doctor of the ship, "As I was saying. Chopper, right?"

The said reindeer nodded, "Thank you, but may I ask what you used to treat me?"

"... I feel much better as if I haven't had this sickness at all. Though, it's definitely not gone," she mumbled to herself.

She stared intensely at the doctor expecting an answer. Chopper was flattered by the compliment and interest as he tried to act professional. "I checked you up and noticed you had some blood infections. Something I could quite figure out. I strange my haven't done much though," he explained in a perplexed tone, "You need treatment, but for now I had to give you some medicine that would help keep the symptoms and infections to minimum."

"I can't figure it out yet, but I'm going to need to find some information. Definitely tests to treat you completely. Though, I need another doctor to help you. I have to admit... I can't do it alone," The blue nosed doctor said. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "This is a tough case."

"I see." Lucy's tilted head downwards was lifted to normal view. She crossed her legs and smiled one of her newly rare smiles. "Your a wonderful doctor you know." she said softly, but could be heard by Chopper. Resulting in one of Chopper's sad yet funny way of hiding his happiness to the compliment.

Natsu's P.O.V

I won't admit it out loud but no one gets to kiss Lucy, not even on her hand! That was the reasoning behind me hitting the stupid cook!

I over heard Lucy and the doctor called Chopper conversation. It made me so happy.

"You're a wonderful doctor, you know," she said with her weak voice. The odd doctor grinned and did some kind of funny dance wiggling like a worm. "Oh, don't even try to flatter me. It's not working, just to let you know," the funny reindeer said. "He sure looks happy. Happy... Happy!" I exclaimed, "That reminds me, where is Happy he was supposed to be behind me when we ran to you."

My thoughts finally jumped to the conclusion. Eyes wide in realization I exclaimed, "We have to find the others!"

Narrative P.O.V

Lucy nodded in a agreement. It was the while reason she had taken the will and effort to get to the dining room. "I think we need to find them too," she said before suggesting, "Chopper could get help by Porlyusca."

"Don't you think she would rather work alone? You know the way she is...?" Natsu asked unsure, while crossing his arms. He tilted his head to the side pulling a weird face. He looked at the said doctor and his eyes widened so much that it practically popped out. "Wait a minute!" he then exclaimed, "You're a talking reindeer."

"I'm not a raco-" Chopper was about to shout, though instead trailed off, "Wait you're right. I am a talking reindeer... and you're not surprised...?"

"Trust me, Natsu and I have seen stranger things," Lucy said as she gave an amused smile. She plopped her elbow on the table and head resting on her hand. It was nostalgic to think if those memories.

"That reminds me we haven't introduced our selfs. I'm Lucy Heartfilia."

"Actually it was said before. I'm Natsu Dragneel, nice to meet you all!" Natsu exclaimed loudly and enthusiastic. The worst combination as they were again reminded of their captain.

"I'm Monkey.D.Luffy!" the said male said, "This is the Straw Hat pirates, my crew."

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