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Warning this has spoilers of both anime and fanfiction if you didn't finish either one.

↪ Lucy was originally supposed to be the only one to make it into the Pirate Era. She was supposed to be found halfway dead in the sea and the Straw Hats saved her. They were supposed to take her keys for safe keeping and she would wake up panicked on where her keys were and where she was.

↪ Lucy wasn't supposed to have the sickness in the first place.

↪ The book wasn't planned at first.

↪ Family Reunion In A Crisis is a combination of several separate fanfictions I was planning. The first fact was one of the fanfictions. Another was a Lucy sick-fic and other fanfictions that has been forgotten.

↪ Chapter 48 originally had a fighting scene — rematch — between Zorro and Erza.

↪ Originally, Lucy was supposed to die.

↪ I started this book before watching either anime's endings, so in the beginning of the book I didn't know that Ultear was deceased. (Sorry, aged.) I had to edit so much to make sure she wasn't mentioned. Even to this day I'm still editing.

↪ The incident with Warren going berserk wasn't fully my idea rather a friends — who thought a little drama would make it interesting.

↪ I've left hints of a next book in the Fanfiction that you may or may not have noticed.

↪ Lisanna was originally the one Natsu was supposed to talk to about his nervousness, but I changed it to Mirajane and Gray. Though, I still wanted to get Lisanna a role.

↪ Luffy and Lucy weren't originally supposed to know each other.

↪ Lucy and Sanji have met before when she was younger. (If you didn't read the special)

↪ The scene with Zorro, Juvia and Gray was inspired by the scene of Lyon in the GMG era.

↪ I was originally going to solve the Juvia and Gray conflict at the end of the book, but decided to continue it in Book 2. Along with other conflict between characters.

↪ I wanted to put the Sanji and Lucy special in this book, but it would've dragged the story further if I did.

↪ Half the time I was writing I would forget Lucy's new condition and Natsu's.

↪ I mostly focus on canon/obvious ships in this book, so I never revealed any ships with the One Piece characters. Maybe a few moments for some of them, but never romance moments.

↪ Originally, Chapter 48 was supposed to be the maximum chapters in FRIOC.

↪ FRIOC was an idea I had even before I knew what Wattpad was.

↪ I made ironic friendships in this book; Natsu and Zorro, while the other was Sanji and Gray.

Natsu would've been most likely to get along with Sanji 'cause his a cook, but Natsu disliked Sanji.

Zorro and Gray are the cool-guy character type in their anime and are quite similar. Thus, I made Juvia like — not romantically — Zorro, since his similar to Gray. Yet Gray disliked Zorro.

↪ I was close to either thirteen when I wrote Family Reunion In A Crisis.

↪It took three years to finish this book.

↪ The ending part of this book was inspired by The Girl In The Wheelchair; the first ever NaLu fanfiction, and generally a fanfiction, I read.

That's all the facts I can remember. And I've got some news! I was able to complete a few chapters on book two, so the progress is going well!

Thanks for reading!

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