Chapter 38: What happened?

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They found themselves having a banquet until late. Doing the same thing Fairy Tail would do, but then again there wasn't much difference between Fairy Tail and the Straw hats.

They were exactly the same with their cheery, warm, comforting aura and most of all, loud.

Lucy sat with a weak smile on her face watching everyone eat and talk. She really missed that craziness from both Luffy and Natsu, unfortunately the said Dragon Slayer was out cold. He was obviously exhausted after, basically transferring all of his magic energy or someone could say life energy. It was basically like transferring ones blood to another and that was a miracle on its self. That didn't make Lucy feel any better.

It was a miracle that he pushed his limits and still survived. Nonetheless, after learning that Lucy was both in awe and relief. She felt guilty, though. That lingering feeling wasn't something that she liked.

She felt as if it was her fault for the tragic condition he was in. Of course he looked healthy when she checked on him, but still it hurt to know she was the cause of that condition. Her guilt ride only lasted the few days, though. She found herself thinking how would Natsu like it if he knew she was feeling that way.

She knew for a fact even if she wanted to stop him he would've done it anyway. She still felt that little bit of guilt at time to time.

Natsu wouldn't like that, so she tried to rid the feeling. It wasn't that easy though. Not at all. Levy would stay by her side giving her prep talks and such. She didn't want to face him when he woke up, so that would explain the prep talks. The Script Mage was ever so slightly different from her usual self. Not as much as personality, but it would be described as behavior.

More protective and concerned for her best friend. She wouldn't leave her alone for one second. Lucy let it slide since it was a lot to take in. Your best friend almost dieing is a lot to take in. Not to mention these.

Lucy stared down to her feet, seeing herself sitting in a wheelchair. She had to get used to the circumstances. Even if she was alive now, she couldn't move her legs anymore.

Chopper stated that the virus had already reached her legs. He couldn't do anything more. Luckily, though the virus didn't affect anything else but her legs. If it wasn't for Natsu's magic they would have removed her legs. Thankfully, they didn't do that. She shivered at the thought. Thanks to Natsu I was saved.

Thanks to Natsu, huh? She found herself staring at the clear sky above her. Luffy, who was sitting next to her noticed her actions. "Lulu?" He called. She shot her head towards the Captain. "What?" She said, her facial expression appeared to be bewilder. Of course she was suprised. He hadn't called her that in a while.

A lost nickname never to be spoken again, yet he said it. She thought he would of forgotten. "Do you want to go see him?" He had a goofy grin on his face. Lucy couldn't help but smile back. As always, that grin would never change.

That smile had two effects on her. It always made her want to smile back at him. It cheered her up just seeing that grin. The other effect was on rare occasions and she had a feeling Nami and the rest had to deal with that effect a lot. The grin of excitement of doing something he set his mind on doing. His grin that signified that he was definitely going to do something stupid. It made her worry about what his up to. Someone would say it resembled a mischievous grin.

Lucy was fond of that smile and also quite used to it. The Celestial Mage was sure his crew mates had time to get used to it as well.

"Yeah." She sheepishly laughed at her obsessive behavior to see him. Then again he'd done the same thing when she was injured. Those days of the Grand Magic Games, although he boasted on winning and such. It still felt like he was doing it for her, it sounded a bit selfish. She felt like she was giving herself too much credit. Though it just felt like he meant winning for her. If that made any sense.

Luffy got up the second she answered and began pushing the wheelchair to its destination. He grinned the entire time. He always found the bright side to everything. That was something he and Natsu had alike and she very much appreciated thier personality traits.

She chuckled as he dribbled around in a playful manner. "Hey Chopper these things are fun! Can I ride on it too?!" He exclaimed, earning a rejection from Nami. Sanji also yelling at him to be careful not to hurt her. Knowing him he would make trouble just by pushing the wheelchair. What if she falls out in result of him playing around with it.

Sanji then became paranoid. That's a good point Sanji. Then he smiled creepily to himself and had a ridiculous look on his face. Wait maybe if she falls then I'll be able to catch her. Then I can get a score onto hugging her. At the thought Sanji found himself going red and smiling creepily. He twirled his way to the said young lady like a noodle, odd to say the least. Seriously that is the most less harmful word you could describe that man as.

"Hey I'm getting dizzy Luffy!" The blonde haired Celestial Mage laughed. She would never want his personality to change at all. Lucy quite liked Luffy and Natsu's childish behavior. She didn't know what it was about it.

She felt at ease and comfortable with it. Everything just felt carefree, when they both smiled like that and acted like that. Though, she wouldn't admit it, but they made her feel smart. Lucy laughed quietly at the thought.

"And... we're here!" He stopped, making Lucy quiet down.

She saw a pink haired Dragon Slayer sleeping peacefully. Oddly enough it was dead quiet in the room, all they could hear was his breathing.

"His still asleep." Lucy said with a frown. Her wheelchair was placed beside the bed. Luffy settled on the floor crossed legs. His cheery expression turned to that of a sudden worry. She poked him wandering if he was okay, only to flinch in suprise when he suddenly snorted. Soon enough the room was filled with loud snores. She gave a awkward smile. His okay...

"Lucy." He called. She hummed in response, with a smile on her face. It turned into confusion seeing Luffy uncharacteristically worried. "Ace..." Luffy paused tilting his head upwards to face her.

"Ace? What... about Ace?" She asked the topic gaining her undivided attention. The dream she had, replayed in her head. "I'm sorry." Luffy suddenly apologized, for the first time in forever he sincerely apologized. Lucy looked at him confused, but her eyes went wide in suprise when suddenly he bowed.

"Why are you bowing like that? You didn't do anything wrong." She said even more confused than ever. What happened Luffy? "Lucy. I couldn't keep my promise. I couldn't save him." He said in an unknown tone of voice. His voice seemed only slightly shaky that someone might not even notice it and a bit serious at the same time. It was an unknown tone.

For Lucy it seemed like he was trying to stay strong while speaking. That was the reasoning behind his tone of voice in her perspective.

She put together what he said, piece by piece. Couldn't save him? Couldn't keep his promise? A sudden memory popped into her head. Everything slowly sinking in.

"I promise to take care of myself, but you have to promise to take care of yourself too. Take care of each other too. When I see you all I want to see you all in one piece, okay?"

Her eyes widened in shock and she automatically slapped her hands over her mouth. "Luffy." Her voice was shaky. "Just what happened to Ace?" She asked shutting her eyes closed as a single tear fell.


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