Chapter 49: Ignored

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Warning. Long Chapter Ahead!

After that long journey they were finally home. Through all that they were finally back. It was difficult to go back to the way everything was. Things weren't the same, save for a the most important things. Fairy Tail still felt like home. It is home. Everybody still had the same warmth Lucy came to be fond of. Their zany nature. Their way of making her feel happy. She would talk on and on about the way Fairy Tail changed her thoughts and acts. The way they made her feel.

"It's great to see you're doing fine Lulu!" he chuckled. An image of her dear little brother had found its way onto a blue crystal-like orb. Vice versa, Lucy was visible in the same way in the Straw Hat's ship nearing an island surrounded by fire. Lucy thought the guild didn't look less chaotic than the people on the other side of the Lacrima. "The same for me, Luffy! It was fun talking to you, but my magic is running a bit short. Fair warning if the crystal breaks soon."

"Already," Luffy whined. He pouted his lips. In response she only gave him a fond look. "We will see each other again. I know it!"

"Luffy! Here's your meat you've been whining ab-" she saw the blonde haired chef. "Oh, Lucy! It's nice to see you! Is that your guild?" Sanji gave a bright smile that quickly turned into a grin. "Yup!" she nodded enthusiastically. The 'girl in the wheelchair' had such a bright attitude, while talking to Luffy and Sanji. The members of the guild couldn't help but notice. "I'm glad you found a place that doesn't make you feel lonely," Sanji almost whispered the words. Lucy didn't quite hear, but she done well not to ask. She already knew what he was thinking.

She heard muffled voices in the background; one of them was Luffy. The blonde assumed they were the others. Not long after Nami was next to Sanji and he had a lovestruck expression on his face. Yeah, let's just call it lovestruck.

"Hi!" she waved and Lucy smiled sheepishly seeing the ruckus at the back. She might be used to the madness, but she sure could be dumbstruck at times. A gasp came from behind and Lucy soon saw a few people gather around on her side as well. "Lucy, you didn't tell me you were talking to the others as well. If we knew we would've joined too."

Lucy and Nami laughed simultaneously, which made them laugh even more. "Sorry."

"Is Zorro-sama there! I want to thank him!"

"Woah, Zorro-sama?! Who's this guy!?"

"Zorro where you running off to? Juvia wants to see you!" Nami exclaimed in a teasing manner.

After everything died down Lucy and Luffy were left alone to talk once more.

Luffy looked as if he were looking for someone.

His dull black eyes went left to right looking around. "So where's Natsu? I didn't see him anywhere," Luffy inquired.

"About that... Natsu has been distant. I don't know why," she said as her eyebrows creased. Her mood changed as a frown formed onto her lips. "His acting very strangely these days."

Luffy's face scrunched up in confusion and in the process his eyebrows creased. It almost seemed like one of those faces an old villian from comics would do. Lucy found that face very funny, but held back laughter.

"What do you mean?" he asked again. "Well, his ignoring me lately. Even Happy is avoiding me too. He hangs around the guild's bar talking to Gray a lot. I noticed whenever Mirajane talks to him, he would fidget around. It's weird," she explained. Her lips unconsciously formed a pout and her voice dragged the words into a whine.

Lucy soon noticed how Luffy was silent the entire time.

Come to think of it, Luffy is asking a lot of questions.

Family Reunion In A Crisis [One piece x Fairy tail]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя