Chapter 9: Find Them

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Zorro's P.O.V

"I got to admit it, you're pretty good," I said. My breathing heavy because of exhaustion. We ended up in a tie. It was a tough match and we were barely able to end this fight.

"You're pretty tough yourself. You might even rival Erza with that swordsmanship of yours," he said, letting out a small sigh.

We ended up stopping these matches each time and restarting after we regained energy.

Non-stop for hours now we've been at it, using that routine.

His pretty good at combat, but for some reason I feel like his holding back. I'm holding back too since last time I went all out our demon navigator threatened me.

Though I feel like his not using... something.

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Erza?" I questioned. "A friend of yours?" I asked in a monotone. Normally, I wouldn't bother that much but hearing, 'might' must mean he thinks of her highly. That was saying something since this guy is a tough one to beat.

"Yeah, she is a swordsman, and trust me, don't mess with her. I'm not scared, though." he laughed.

"Oh, really you're not."

I turned to see Luffy's older sister. She crossed her arms in a triumph way as he stopped his laughing.

"Yeah. It's true," he said hesitantly. "How about you tell that to her yourself," she said and mimicked looking for something, "I think I have some lacrima somewhere."

"No, no — it's okay," he said nervously. His voice lowering and not to mention his completely terrified expression. Is she that scary?


I would actually want to challenge this person.

"Speaking of Erza, we're docking soon and should be able to check out the place. Maybe we can track down someone," the blonde said. She spoke in a tired voice that didn't seem intentional.

Pinky, must of heard that too, because he asked if she was alright.

"I'm fine. It's just... I might of skipped some of my bed rest, but I'm fine!" she quickly protested, "I just need to check this town, then I will able to go to sleep."

Natsu's P.O.V

Lucy was really pushing herself to the evident limit. I would do the same even if I were in the worst condition, but I still don't approve of her pushing herself. It was selfish to say; I knew it was.

"We still have time you should go rest for a while, Lucy," said an anxious doctor.

"That's a great idea you should." I nodded in agreement. I tried smiling to ease the situation — secretly begging her to do as said.

I was so glad I had help from capable people, considering that I'm not good at any of these kind of things.

Face it Natsu, you're only good at talking big. I'm no good at ideas, healing people like a doctor or common knowledge of specific things. That's why I'm lucky to have these people here. I would be a mess without the guild, the Straw-hat pirates, Igneel and Lucy...

Truth be told I felt out of place. Unable to help in a way. I had no use in the matter. The least I could do is convince her.

"I..." Lucy trailed off, she looked as if she really wanted to agree. Though, something was holding her back. Her eyes showed every emotion she felt. Guilt, worry, stress and exhaustion.

I walked towards her with a bright smile. It took me all my courage to do the next actions. I took her hands and intwined them with mine. Please, cheeks don't fail now!

"Lucy, please. Plus, you need all the strength you have to search for everyone." I tried to convince her. A smile appeared miraculously onto her face. It didn't reach her eyes — not quite. The smile was wavering with an unreadable emotion.

It was good enough since she had been giving the crew forced smiles all day. This seemed natural yet, I could see right pass it.

"Come on," I said, walking her to her temporary room.

I stayed until she fell asleep completely, which was just a few minutes. That being said, she was clearly tired.

I ended up helping ground; I discovered that a ship wasn't that bad... once you get medicine from a talking reindeer.

Eh, it's still not as weird as a talking blue cat and a gorilla pervert that talks.

"She fell asleep?" asked Nami.

I nodded.

I didn't really recognize this before, but she reminds me of Lucy. Considering the way she spoke and the way she acted, it was pretty much like Lucy. I got the same vibe from her when me and Lucy first met. Though, of course, I couldn't say much as we just met a few hours ago.

I know what you're thinking. If she is so much like your lover than why not choose Nami? To be honest, I don't know why I'm thinking of such a terrible thing. It would be easier than loving a person that has a fifty-fifty chance of living.

It would be easier...

It would be easier, but that's the thing. I'm Natsu Dragneel and the harder the challenge the better!

There was a much more important and deeper reasoning. It was a sentimental topic that I wouldn't usually get into, but here's the thing: it's true Nami is quite similar to Lucy. They were just different all the same. There are some qualities of Lucy's that Nami doesn't have. Things that made Lucy herself weren't present in Nami. Everyone was different even how similar they might be.

There was a charm that Lucy has, keeping me from loving anyone else. Something that makes her different from others to the times we've spent together. I don't know how to explain it, nor a person to explain such feelings.

"Nami-swan~" I heard a sickeningly familiar voice that I recognized right away. Dont blame me, there is just something I just don't like about him. I had this weird feeling burning inside me. The feeling that I had was similar — if not the exact feelings — I felt when that knight-guy kept flirting with Lucy. That knight with the invincible shield... and a few others.

Loke would do the same thing, but I didn't feel the same around him. It might've been because of the taboo of a spirit and humans liking each other. I think that was what Mira said.

Though, this guy is like a Loke that poses a threat to me since his human.

On top of that, he flirts with other girls too. Zorro was definitely right about him. I understand his annoyance towards the chef.

"You're the other one that hit that Sanji. The stupid cook?" Zorro asked looking annoyed by the mention of the name. "Yeah, why?" I answered. I dodged a hit from his sword.

"He deserved it," he said bluntly, his voice rough since he simultaneously blocked a punch from me. I stopped the fight as I made my way to the walls. I was panting heavily, while sitting down on the cold floor. "Yeah, I can see that. Do you hate him that much?" I asked absentmindedly as I didn't quite care either way.

"Hate? Maybe the word I'm looking for. It's just him being so annoying. He's always running off to flirt with girls. It makes him look dumber than he already is with that swirly eyebrows of his." he gestured to his eyebrows making me laugh, "... but I can't believe I'm saying this. The cook is really strong when it comes to it. It's just a waste for a man to be like that. We didn't meet in the best way either way and our personalities don't quite fit with each other. It's a waste of a man to be like that," He explained. Half he said might have been bias, but I was totally buying it.

He reminded me of Gray. Though he was more likable I guess, considering I haven't bickered with him yet.

Also, a waste of a man...?

Elfman? Nah.

"We're almost there, we can look for your missing friends while the log..." I didn't hear anything after that; I was too focused on trying to find them. Sniffing the air, I got weird looks from people, but I didn't care.

I'm going to find them.

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