Chapter 22: Chill with the Bullshit!

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So let me get this straight...

On Friday when i came home, i wanted to update but there wasn't any Wi-Fi. Unfortunately they chose to plug it out for whatever reason. Which resulted in the phone not being connected between that evening, and Sunday night. Fine.

So within those two days, i decided to just write the chapters and update when the modem is plugged back in.


When all the notifications came in, i seen about nearly a hundred from wattpad only. Cool.

I checked it, super pumped because i wanted to see the comments even though wattpad been on some bullshit lately. Yeah whatever.

So i always started from the bottom then make my way to the top. So while scrolling up and reading, i saw some conflict. I was like 'what the fuck is going on'. Right?

Then i saw two persons arguing, not say arguing but yeah, some words were exchanged. I read through them and was solely pissed.


Apparently the author had some run ins with a reader and i just can not. The reader was spamming the authors book about reading this book, in terms of commenting under the other comments and what not.

What the author was saying is that, it was okay to comment one time but doing it more than once was outta line, which i totally agreed with. Nobody never wanted someone to spam their book and i find that really unfair that you as the reader is spamming someone elses book about this one. I mean we all see the book; let others see it for themselves and have their own opinion on it.

It's not the first complaint I've got, call it the third. I've appologized and everything went back to normal. But what pissed me off the most was that i spoke to the person and they agreed to stop. Fine. But then somebody's doing to same shit to my book. I'm so done!

So without further talking, YeezyTheGreat i deeply apologize for that person spamming your book. Even though i had no clue they were still doing it, i apologize. 🙏

And to the reader/ spammer, this roman person, chill with the bullshit. I'm deadass fucking serious bruh.

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