31| plan to rise

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The boys were silent for a second. The only sound that could be heard was the creaking of the swing Taehyung was on.

They were trying to figure out what exactly Namjoon and Jin meant by 'we get revenge'.

Jimin slapped his knee, "Alrighty sounds like a plan"

No one could tell if it was sarcasm or not.

Yoongi looked at him strangely, "Are you being serious? I would of thought you wouldnt want to be involv-"

"Of course im not being serious!", Jimin interupted, dramatically throwing himself off the bench and onto the grass.

The boys looked at him as he rolled over and put his head on Yoongi's legs , who was sitting with his legs crossed on the grass.

"Its official, he's gone crazy", Jungkook spoke as he pushed Taehyung.

Jimin twisted his head, and looked towards Namjoon and Jin, "Look, are you guys being serious? Because if you are, im out. Im sorry but i only joined to try keep you guys out of trouble. but if you're just gonna get yourselves in troubles on purpose, im out"

Everyone was silent again. Jimin awkwardly stood up, waiting to see if anyone would say anything. Maybe 'i agree' or something, but everyone was quiet.

Jimin lowered his head, apologised again, then turned around and walked away.

The boys watched him.

Once he was gone, they didn't know what to do.

Eventually, the silence was broken,

"So, whats the plan?", Hoseok spoke lowly looking at the 2 leaders.

Namjoon and Jin once again shared a knowing glance, then they turned to the 4 remaining boys, and told them the plan.

˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚

Grow the gang.

Rise and take power from the flaming wolves.

It was only 2 sentences, almost making it seem simple.

But the difficulty of it came crashing back down when they remembered they were just 7 high school boys. Oh wait, 6 now that Jimin had left.

But Namjoon and Jin had reassured them that they had a solid plan of how to take these actions, and they couldn't doubt their leaders, could they?

The sun was beginning to set when Hoseok got a call from his dad. He picked it up, and flinched when he held it to his ear.

They could all hear his dad's voice booming out his phone, despite it not even being on speaker.

The call eventually ended, and Hoseok stood up, "Sorry guys I have to go home".

Namjoon stood up too, "We should probably head back as well". Jin nodded and pushed himself up off the ground.

The 3 of them left.

"Does Namjoon and Jin live together?", Yoongi asked Jungkook.

Jungkook shook his head, "Nah but Jin crashes at his house most of the time. He doesn't like going home"

"Ah", Yoongi said thoughtfully. His mind was now putting puzzle pieces together. Everyone in this gang seemed to have a problem. Hence why they were fine with joining a gang, to have a family like bond.

His eyes glanced over at Taehyung and Jungkook, who were still goofing around on the swings. Jungkook was standing on the rubber seat clutching the chains, about to attempt some sort of flip thing. And Taehyung was laughing, with his phone out recording.

Yoongi smiled, silently shipping them in his mind. He wanted to give them some alone time, so without another word his stood up and left.

He didn't want to go home. But he didn't want to stay and 3rd wheel those two. So he made the decision of stopping by a familiar white house, and knocking on the door.

It was Jimin's house.

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