|food & games|part 2

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I can't believe she left

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I can't believe she left. Just like that. God! Did I even say something wrong? I mean of course I'm jealous and her going with other man without me doesn't help.
I grabbed my hair and thrown myself on the bed. I was so annoyed right now. Not because of her. Not because of the Taehyung. Not because of Jungkook. Because of myself. I always tried my best for her to feel happy even if I wasn't enjoying something. She is my whole world. It wasn't always like that and I feel like she still thinks it's the same. It's not for quiet a while now. But what can I do now? I have to fix everything or else this holidays don't have any sense. I'm gonna leave her alone for today though. I will try to talk to her tomorrow. I don't know what to do for the rest of the day. I wanted to spend time with her but I guess I have to do something else. Maybe I will write some songs. I was looking for my notebook and a small box fell out as I was trying to take out the notebook. I put the notebook on the floor and picked up the box. I sat down, leaned on the edge of the bed and opened it. I could only sigh while holding it. Suddenly someone came in, I tried hiding it but it was Hoseok. He sat beside me and looked at the thing I was holding.

-It's beautiful hyung.
-You think so?
-I hope she'll think the same way.
-Don't worry, everything will be okay.
-Thank you Hoseok.
-Don't. Hyung I was about to go out with Namjoon, you want to go with us?
-Where are you planning to go?
-The beach maybe, we want to gather everyone later and go for a few drinks.
-So call me then. I will write some lyrics for now.
-Oh okay.

He stood up and I was hiding the box back inside my bag.

-Ah hyung.
-Can y/n drink?

That was a good question.

-Good and ask her.
-Where is she though?
-Tae and Kookie.
-Thank hyung.

I just nodded and looked back inside my bag. After he closed the door a sigh escaped my mouth again. I zipped up my bag, picked up the notebook and left the room. When I was going down the stairs I heard y/ns voice.

-Why wouldn't I be able to drink?
-I don't know. I asked Yoongi first but he told me to ask you.
-Does everything about me have to go through Yoongi first?!

I only heard how hard she slammed the door.

-Am I really making her feel that way?

I said to myself and went outside of the house. I was walking around for a bit  until I found a perfect spot to write songs. I sat under a tree and started writing. I knew it won't be a song for me only but for guys too. We will have to do it together.

After about an hour my phone was calling. I answered knowing it's Hoseok.

-I'm coming back.
-Oh okay. We'll wait for you.

I hung up and went back to where we were staying. I saw everyone standing outside already waiting for me.

-Can I at least leave my notebook inside?
-Be fast.

I came inside and ran to my room to leave the notebook on the bed. I took my sunglasses and went back outside.

-Everyone have everything?
-I guess, let's just go.

I was walking behind everyone on my own until Hoseok came to accompany me. He didn't say anything, he was just walking beside me. Y/n was walking in front of us hand in hand with Tae and Jungkook. I clenched my fist just to feel a hand on it.

-Calm down hyung.
-Yeah, you're right.

I calmed down a bit and tried to not be jealous. We got to the bar really fast. Y/n sat at the other end, on the other side of the table. Which means she was sitting as far from me as she could.
After an hour everyone was drunk, besides me, Y/n and Jungkook. Everyone else went to pick up some girls and I thought I will be left alone with y/n but Taehyung came.

-Y/n will you dance with me?
-No Oppa, I'm a little bit tired. I'm just go sit here and drink some more. But you go and have fun Oppa.
-Aww. Jungkook's maybe you then?
-Hyung I...

Why is he doing aegyo for Jungkook to dance with him?

-Okay, let's go.

And here we are. Me and y/n only. I moved all the way to the end on the table to sit in front of her.

-Are you having fun?
-Yeah. You?
-Kinda. Would be nicer with you closer to me.
-Don't do that okay? I just went out because Jungkook and Taehyung wanted to.
-I've figured. Will you dance with me at least?
-Don't you really want to?

I was actually so, so happy. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the dancefloor. I looked at Hoseok, he smiled at me and went to the DJ. I knew what he's about to do. I pulled y/n really close to me. In a matter of seconds a slow song started playing. She put her hands around my neck gently, while mine were on her waist. I wanted to pull her even closer but she wouldn't let me.

-Are you really still mad at me?
-Do we have to talk about it? I just want to enjoy this moment Yoongi.
-You are mad at me, you never use my name.
-Yes, I am still mad satisfied?!
-No. But it's okay. You're right. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.

As the song was slowly coming to an end I wanted to give her a small kiss but as I tried to pull her closer she pushed me away.

-You're too much Yoongi!

Then she walked away and went back to her seat. I followed her but sat on the previous spot I was sitting on.

-Y/n you want to go home already?
-Yes, please.
-Okay. I'm just gonna get Taehyung and we're gonna go.
-Okay. I'll wait here.

After Jungkook left to look for Tae Hoseok was looking at us.

-You're really going back?
-Yes, why do you care? You can stay I have Jungkook and Taehyung.
-Taehyung who's completely drunk and Jungkook who doesn't even know how to fight. Just great. I'm much less worried.

Jungkook came back with Taehyung on his back.

-We can go.
-Why do you even worry?

Y/n looked at me for the last time today and left.
I knew I must've really fucked up. And I knew it won't be easy to fix it.

Okay here it is. It took me longer than I expected but it's here. I wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted me to add VKook to this ff. Of course Yoongi is still main, they would just show up in a few episodes. Well let me know what you think.
Love you ❤

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