|late night dates pt.2|

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~Jungkook's POV~

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~Jungkook's POV~

I had to find her. It was a number one priority now.

She could be in so many places right now. I will check the closest forest, she was usually sitting there when she needed to think. But the forest is big so it's not very easy to find someone in there. But I had to look for her.
I was walking for a almost an hour now and I finally saw her. I took my phone out and called Tae.

TH- Kookie!
JK- I found her.
TH-Oh my God! Is she alright?!
JK- I don't know yet, I'll... I'll call you later.

I hung up and walked towards y/n. I slowly sat beside her and put my arm around her.

Y/N- Can we stay here a bit?
JK- We'll stay here for as long as you want.

She put her head on my shoulder and we just sat there.
About two hours passed and she was asleep, I slowly put her on my back and started heading home. I also called Taehyung and told him we're coming.
She was still asleep, that was a surprise for me but I guess it's better if she rests even if I have to carry her. We reached the house pretty fast. I was so scared why she did that, why she left the house? I will definitely need to talk to her.

YG- My God Kook thank you so much! I don't know what I would do if you didn't find her.
TH- Probably call the police...
JK- Or the whole FBI hahaha.
YG- Okay, let's take her to her room. She should rest.

I walked inside the house and then upstairs. Me and Yoongi layed her on the bed.

YG- You guys can go, I will stay with her.
JK- We will just go to a shop and we will be back okay?
YG- Okay.

We left them. I hope that she wakes up before we come back so they can talk a bit.

TH- I hope she's gonna be okay.
JK- She will baby, she will.


YG- Why did you do that to yourself? Everyone was so worried...
Y/N- Because of what you said.

She turned to face me and looked me in my eyes.

YG- What did I say to make you ran away?
Y/N- I mean when you said you're scared I'll leave again. That I finally have the life I wanted.
YG- I truly meant that, I don't want you to lose that life. I would never forgive myself for it.
Y/N- God! You got it all wrong! That's not the life I wanted! The life I want is with you by my side.
YG- Really?! I had no idea...
Y/N- YES!! You are all I want. Back then...I wasn't ready for a future with you, I was scared that when we get engaged and then married that...
YG- What baby, tell me?
Y/N- That it won't be so great anymore. I was scared that everything will change between us. That after time you will get bored of me being yours forever. I...
YG- Baby look at me.

I grabbed her face gently and made her look me in the eyes. I had to make sure she was safe now. It was all that mattered.

YG- I love you. I loved you back then. And I loved you all this time we were apart. I never forgot about you. I tried, I'm not gonna lie but I couldn't, I just loved you so much. I wish things were different back then. I wish you weren't scared but it happened. And that's okay you wanna know why?
Y/N- Why?
YG- Because we found our way to each other again. Our love is stronger than anything. I want to give you all the time you need to have a future with me.
Y/N- Yoongi I...I don't know if I can do it. I'm just going to therapy still, I still have all kinds of fears and most nights I keep on waking up or I just can't fall asleep. I also...

She started crying even harder and didn't know what to do now. I want to help her as much as I can but I know it will be hard for her.

Y/N- I was pregnant.
YG- What? Did someone hurt you?
Y/N- No Yoongi it was yours...
YG- I didn't...I had no idea baby. What happened?
Y/N- Jungkook didn't tell you? One time two guys broke into the house and they tried to rape me because I went downstairs cause I heard them. And I was fighting with them so they don't do anything but they kicked and punched me really hard and Kookie ran downstairs, he punched the one that was on top of me but the second one pushed him. Kookie hit his head on a shelf and he lost consciousness. They punched me some more, stole a few things and left, leaving us there. Me bleeding all over, coughing blood and Jungkook with his head bleeding. I tried to shout so hard but I couldn't. When I saw more and more blood coming from Kookie I tried even harder and I finally did it. Tae woke up and came downstairs, when he saw us he immediately called an ambulance. When we got to the hospital I told the story that he saved me.
YG- Oh my God...

I had tears running down my face at this point, I mean this guy saved my life by saving hers.

YG- Kookie told me about this, I mean not exactly like you did...
Y/N- I know. He just doesn't know what really happened.
YG- What do you mean?
Y/N- I never told him and Tae what actually happened. He probably told you what I have told him happened which wasn't true.
YG- But why?
Y/N- He would hate himself forever.
JK- I probably will.

We didn't he was already listening. Y/N started crying again and stood up real fast. She ran up to Kook and hugged him tightly.

Y/N- I am so sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought that it would be better if you don't really know how bad it was.
JK- I am really thankful you didn't tell me that back then because I would probably kill myself. But don't you ever hide anything from me ever again, especially for such a long time. God you're a sister to me
Y/N- I know Kookie, I love you brother.
JK- I love you too.
TH- Hey, where's the love for me?

They moved a bit and made space for Tae to hug with them.

Y/N- Yoongi, aren't you coming?

Well...what was I supposed to do? I ran to them and squeezed them really tight. I was so happy that I had this little family with me. I was especially happy that Y/N was finally getting happy and she had all the love she should be getting.

Oh my, that was such a long break. I am so happy to be back. I was shocked that anyone was still reading this story, like it's not even good. But thank you so, so, so much for the support. Comment and like❤️


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