Maddie to the Rescue

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Soon I fell sound asleep. It was the best sleep I had gotten in my life. When I awoke Ethan was gone and there was a note on my bed side table. It said
Dear Awsten,
  So last night huh? I'm sorry if I went too far... I have always had feelings for you and it needed to come out. I didn't expect you to like me back. I was shocked. I'll see you at school on Monday. ;)

Wow. He really does like me. And I like him. I got dressed, tied my shoes and out the door I went. Maddie only lives half a mile away so I always walk to her house. He parents never approved of me or her best friend May. Maddie had shoulder length red hair. Her eyes were dark brown. She never wore make up. Her and I told each other everything. I approached her door and knocked. Grunter, her little brother, answered the door with an eye roll. "MADISON. AWSTEN IS HERE!" Grunter yelled. He opened the door a little more showing me into the house. Maddie was on her stairs. "AAGH AWS" She ran down the stairs and pulled me in for a hug.
"Hey Maddie. Can we talk in private about that thing?"

"Of course. Let's go to my room. Me and Kait shall help". Maddie grabbed my arm and started pulling me upstairs. She shared a room with her little sister Kait who was a huge anime nerd. But at the same time, me and Maddie always watched anime together when I snuck into her room in the middle of the night to hang out. "Sooooo. Tell me everything Aws"

"Well. He kissed me. Then tried to apologize. So I cut him off to kiss him. Then we tongue wrestled. Ya know all normal best friend things"

"AGH AWSTEN. I ship it. I ship it so hard" Kait said from her side of the room.

"Well Aws you two should like date"

"Oml Mads you're weird. I mean I wouldn't mind but I'm not even out to the school yet"

"Well you should be." Maddie's mom walked into the room. She glanced at me. Gave me her testing bitch face. "Uh. Madison, why the fuck is a boy over and the door is shut?"

"Its just Awsten mom. I'm not gonna have sex with him. Jeez"

"I don't give a damn what you say, I know boys". That's when I lost it.

"Look Mrs. Stace, I don't wanna fuck your daughter. You can leave me the hell alone. If you should be worried about anyone fucking her, it's that piece of shit husband, ya know Maddie's step dad. Because he wants to, he makes so many dirty jokes to her and rubs her thigh. Waking her up by massaging her". I froze. This is the end. Here goes getting murdered my Maddie's mom. She looked like she was in a daze. Turned to Maddie and said "Is this true Madison?". Maddie looked down. Then nodded. Her mom's face got so red and I don't think I've ever heard her yell so loud. "JACKSON. WHAAAAT THEEEE FUUUUUCK!". He can running upstairs to Maddie's room. "You have been trying to sleep with my 16 year old daughter. You fucking pervert. Get your shit and leave. I never want to see you ever again or I swear to the great ever lovely God I will cut your throat. You and that cheese ball looking son of yours needs to leave!". I've never seen Mr. Jackson move so fast in his life. Within five minutes, they were gone.

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