Bonus Chapter: Famous

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Maddie and I were in our dressing room getting ready to film a movie for Disney. It was a musical, Break Out. We were both nervous because we had never danced in front of the camera before, with Maddie and I being the leads, it's impossible to avoid. "Filming in 5! Everyone get ready!" I hear the director yell. My make up artist started rushing and so did Maddie's. "You ready kiddo?" Maddie asked me.

"Yea I am. Just nervous, that's all"

"No matter if you screw it up or not, Ethan will still love you. Your mom will still love you, and I will still love you."

"Thanks Madds. You're the best!" I hug her and we exit the room.

When we walk on stage to the concrete room with metal bars. People were plays guards and prisoners. As for Maddie and I, we were prisoners. One guard shouted, which lead to me standing up to rebel. I started to sing, got up on the table, and started to dance the moves. Trying to keep them in my mind:
Stretch arms out
Swing arms side to side
Then bam!
Everything went black and I woke up to an ambulance surrounding me, shining a light in my eyes.
"He's okay" on paramedic said. They stood up and walked away. Maddie was beside me. "Wha-what happen?" I groan in pain of a sever headache.

"Well. You slipped off the table and slammed your head on the concrete floor"

"Oh my god. I'm so fired."

"Actually you aren't. We decided to stop filming today and send you back to the dance studio to practice for a few days."

"Oh..okay I guess". I then heard a very familiar voice.
"OH MY GOD BABY ARE YOU OKAY?" I turn my head to my left, and Ethan was running towards me. He leaped onto my body, squeezing me tight. "I was so worried about you. Don't ever scare me like that again!"

"I'm okay baby. Just a small accident" I say trying to stand up.

"Well tonight you and I can go out for dinner since this happened"

"Sounds great. We haven't had a date in a while". I lean in and kiss him. His warm, soft lips were just the same as the first time I kissed them. Being famous wasn't what I excepted. But I have my friends, my family, and Ethan. That's all I really need.

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