Together at last.

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"Does this mean we are..... dating?" He says to me. What am I to say? Yes? Maybe? No? This is hard. My feelings for him are so strong but do I want to jeopardize our friendship which was already doomed when we kissed? I don't even know if we would tell anyone. I hesitated before I looked up at him and said "Yes". This was the beginning of my first relationship with a guy. He got so happy that he hugged me and picked me up when we did. Knock Knock. My mom walked in, "Oh hi there Ethan! How are you"

"I'm well second mother".

"Well anyways, Awsten we are heading out to town. Do you need anything?"

"No ma'am. I'm okay". She soon exited my room. "Well I hate to leave you but I have to go to town too later today. I better head home"

"Okay well have fun" I said. He leaned in a kissed me goodbye which lead me to give an embarrassing giggle. After he left I quickly grabbed my phone. Time to text my best friend, not Maddie or Ethan. I was gonna text Victoria. We had been friends since kindergarten. She goes to a different school. I feel like a horrible friend for not tell her anything.

Soo. A thing happened

Oh boy. What did you do?

You remember Ethan right?

You mean your guy best friend that you've been crushing on since 5th grade?

Yea.... Well ya see. We kissed the other night. Then we made out. And we just confessed our feelings. Now we are kinda dating.

Boi. I'm proud. So like, are you gonna tell everyone?

I don't know yet. But I gtg. Byeeeee.

You should so go on a date. And byeee.

She is like the best. Buzz. My phone got a notification.

So. You wanna go to the mall this weekend with Maddie and May? We can tell them about us.

Eek! Yes that would be wonderful.

Then I kinda sorta passed out. I woke up to my alarm clock. Did my usual morning routine. Left. Got in the car with Maddie. But there were two other people in the car. May in the front and Ethan in the back. "So Ethan said that you two wanted to tell us something together" May spoke.

"Yea. Um. We are kinda. Sorta. Um. Dating" I said turning red.

"Five bucks May" Maddie said.

"Damn it."

"Wait, you two betted on what we were gonna say?" Ethan said with a chuckle. Maddie nodded her head. We were jamming all the way to school and I felt a hand over mine. I looked down and saw Ethan's hand. We intertwined fingers. I started smiling uncontrollably big. I turned to him and kissed his cheek. This was perfect. Life was good. I didn't want this moment to ever end.

Best friends [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now