Mystery Text

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After school ended, I got into Maddie's car with Ethan. May had been riding home with her boyfriend which made us all cringe in disgust. We don't know why she won't leave him. I couldn't help but think about the make out session I had. Was it wrong? Was I now in a polygomous relationship? I got home and kissed Ethan goodbye and said my farwells to Maddie. "Hello dear, did you ask out the lovely girl?"

"No mom. I told you I wasn't."

"I will. It's all about how you look. Not how you feel. Remember that sweetie"

"So you don't love dad?"

"At first of course not. But I started to after we starting dating."

"That's not right mom"

"Life isn't right. Now ask that girl out"

"No. I'm not doing it."

"Look. Either you ask her out or I will take your phone"

"Fuck. You."

"You little shit" my mom said as she walked towards me and slapped me in the face. "You will do it. Or I will continue to beat you"

"No. I won't" I said standing up. My mom balled up her hand. Hitting me right in the nose with her giant fist. "Son of a bitch. You cunt" I said. Without thinking I shoved her to the ground. I ran to my room and locked the door. I was too prideful to cry. I grew out of it. This wasn't the first time my mom would hit me to get her way. She was always like that. Buzz

I saw you three under the bleachers today.

Who is this?

Not important. What is important is the photos I took of you, Ethan, and Dustin.

Fucking stalker. What do you want from me?

I want you to meet me at Draven Park twenty minutes after it gets dark out. See ya.

I suddenly felt chills cover my body. I was so worried on who this mystery person was. So I waited. After it got dark I started walking to the park. It was a twenty minute walk from my house to the park. When I arrived it looked like a ghost town.

I see you. Meet me at bench 12.

I started walking over. When j arrived the the bench I didn't see anyone. "Hello?" I cried out.

"Hello Jeremy. Interesting seeing you here" I females voice said. She came around a tree, and I almost died of laughter when I saw who she was.

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