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Alex Johnson, a teacher from Nashville was hired to be the personal teacher of Maria, eleven years old who hates to go to school. Her grandparents look for an employee so that their lovely Maria will also learn something even staying at home.

Her way to Texas to Lucas Ranch had her tiring and exhaustion. She will be staying there for 4 years but made sure she can go back to her home during holidays and special occasions. She was holding her bags waiting for a vehicle that will go to the famous ranch to have herself a hitch.

Placing her arms to the window of the truck, smiled, "Hey, sir."

"Hey, what can I do for you." The man in his early forties and with a big stomach is friendly, he reminds her father back home.

"Can I have a ride to the Lucas?"

"Put your belongings at the back, and get yourself in."

"Oh my thank you, sir." She exclaimed in happiness.

"Call me Frank." The man said.

They were heading to the Lucas and chattering. Asking her where she come from, and what will she gonna do to the ranch. She also found out that he is one of the son of Laura and Juan Lucas, and the girl she will be teaching is his grand daughter.

"I'm excited to teach her, Sir." She said to Frank who is driving their way home.

"Alex, call me Frank or tio instead of Sir, too much respectful." He laugh in a friendly tone.

" Okay, tio is more comfortable then." She giggle.

She found Frank to be jovial and a happy person. He also told her that if only he had a son, he will arrange their date and convince his son to marry her, which she laugh due to embarrassment. She sure knew her cheeks turned red in the mean time.

The trip was almost two hours and they already got home. She was amazed by the mansion. The Lucas was really rich, she thought to herself.

Walking through the door, she knock and made herself in. She was being watched by the woman, sure was a maid and in her late fifties, with the right eyebrows up.

"Hi, Ma'am, I'm Alex Johnson, Maria's tutor." She said smiling.

"Come here." The woman said headed to the kitchen.

She thought how wealthy the Lucas is, she thought inside the mansion was a classic and antique stuffs but she was wrong. Although there are some things antique but it was highly modernized and beautiful. Anybody would love it and it was her dream house. But at least I can live here for four years, she thought.

"Have a bite, I know you're hungry." The woman said as she served her a cookies and orange juice. "I am Rita, but everybody calls me tia, showing their respect."

"Thank you, Rita. I mean, can I call you tia, too?"

"I would love that." Seemed she was also friendly, and funny at times. They were talking for time pass. She knew Rita was the cook, household helper, and Maria's nanny, before she came. Rita lead her the way to her bedroom.

It was glamorous, she was excited to lay in the cottony bed. There was a full-body sized mirror. It also has a make up table where she put her personal hygiene and accessories. She also noticed a door, she opened it and saw the wonderful bathroom. It has a tub and a bidet which she thought it was really meant for a girl. She showered and get dressed, she wore jeans and a simple T-shirts together with her black flat sandals. She looked herself at the mirror, and satisfied with her simple beauty. She then smiled and leave the room.


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