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They spent their time with so much love and tender care in California during their real honeymoon. Jose was so caring as if they were not haters back then. Alex, on the other hand, was enjoying their stay. She was so sweet and in love with the man.

It was their last day and night in the hotel, tomorrow, first hour in the morning, they will be heading back home.

Before they went home to Texas, Jose invited her wife a dinner. She wore her fancy red cock tail dress showing her cleavage and her red stiletto, she just leave her hair untied but she still was a beautiful lady in the night, while her he wore his black suit and made him even more handsome.

The dinner was held in one of the most fancy and expensive restaurant in the state. They eat and talk and dance. When they were done dancing, he handed her a small rectangular box. Of course she knew whats the thing inside.

"What's this?" She was teary eyed.

"Go open it." He said smiling.

She opened the box and found a silver necklace and a diamond pendant.

"No, I cannot accept this, this was way too expensive."

"We're wife and husband. Why can't you?"

"I don't know."

"Baby, I love you and I want you to wear this." He get the necklace from her hand and put it to hers.

She could never imagine the feeling. She was so terrified and loved by the man she also loved, she felt so lucky.

That night, they made love and he find her very beautiful wearing that necklace.

They were heading to the Texas and she can't wait to see them all, especially Laura.

"Are you happy?" Jose asked her?

"Of course, I am." She smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm glad to hear." He smiled and looked over the window and think. He was in deep thoughts so she chose not to disturb him.

In their home, they were so happy to see them hugging with each other. Laura was so surprised about Jose's treatment towards Alex, he seems to be the most wonderful and lovely husband.

"I'm so happy to see you guys so sweet with each other." Laura said when they were the ones left in the room.

"Yeah, I don't know Grandma. He was change in a sudden after we made love that night in our honeymoon." She shyly said.

"Ohh, why that's nice."

"Thank you so much, you did all of these. Because of you, I am with the man I love." She hugged her and cried. She was so happy.

Jose and Alex went riding like they did before with Maria, but now, no Maria can be seen the the scene. After they had dinner with the family, talked about the honeymoon and they two seniors said they wanna have a great grand kid with Jose and Alex. She choked, she was so nervous about the idea being a mom, she felt a little scary about it.

"But it's fine dear, if your not ready, well, we could wait." Said Juan.

"Yes, but I want it to be a boy." Laura while clapping her hands like a kid.

"No matter what God gave us, he or she will always be beautiful." Juan said holding the hands of his wife.

She smiled, she could never imagine, she thought it was a risk to be in this house but that's what she was so wrong.

As the days past by, there were no conflict between the two, they acted as husband and wife and treat each other sweetly. Made love each night and each day, Alex was still the teacher of Maria, professionally, at the same time, an aunt. The family was very happy, especially seeing both of them in good terms. Jose was a sweet husband and a caring one.

There were times that Alex was not feeling any better, he was in a panic, calling their private doctor, and the doctor would say, "Don't worry, sir, your wife is just having a fever." Alex was sick and feeling dizzy the past few days and her husband was so caring, he wouldn't even let her go downstairs as the doctor told him she needs to rest, but of course, making love every night, they cannot miss it.

Alex was in good condition and was so energetic, Jose was at work so she cleaned their room. She felt she need to use her energy in it, from the very little things to big, she had done wiping, vacuuming the floor and the carpet. She was so sweat, she wipe her face with her towel. She noticed a box under the cabinet, she was confused she get it, knowing it was owned by her husband, she opened it and found a pictures of Jose and her ex, Elena, they were so sweet and also kissing in the pictures. Under those was an iPad, she turned it on, and she was wondering what's in it, she opened the messages, she knew it was private but she was kinda have a negative feeling about it.

Alex found a conversation of Jose and Elena. She checked the date and it was just three months ago, after the time they were being caught by Laura. She continued reading until in a point that,

Elena : Babe, you know that's way too long.

Jose : Just give me time baby, I will fix this.

Elena : Promise?

Jose : I promise, you know how I love you so much and I can do everything just to be with you after this.

Elena : I love you too.

Jose : I can give you everything after I will get the money, I just have to marry the girl, and then don't worry, I will file a divorce after some time. Alright?

She was like being torn apart, that was when they weren't married yet, she broke down and cry. She thought he was sincere for all the things he was doing to her. She cried and cried until she cannot feel a single tear flowing, it was hurt, so much hurt that she was fooled by him. He used her for the money, he used her for his own lust, she thought it was a real love.

She kept it and turn it back to where she get it, now she knew why he marry her just that and why Elena just agreed to broke him up, they were just hiding and keeping an agenda.

She felt so weak and fool. How could she believe what he was doing, what he was telling to her, he was impossible.

She made a plan. She was packing her things and get ready to go, to leave the man she love, but she will inform her and let him know he is free, besides, their married was just fake. She loved him very much and it was so clear to him, he wasn't, he was using her for the money.

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