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Alex waited Jose at the ranch patio that afternoon, she wanted to tell him her about her decision and that she will walk away into their lives. She knew it was just a little thing but it hurts her a lot.

He walked towards her with a big smile and kissed her, she smiled too but just a fake one.

"How was your day, baby?" He asked.

"I'm fine now." She said, doubting if she would tell him her decision or not, but it was already fix.

"What?" He asked when she looked at him.

"Nothing, umm, yeah, just don't mind."

"I know it was something, I'm your husband so if you're ready, you can tell me everything."

She just nodded as a respond and she smiled. She let it be and planned another thing. That night, they made love with all the love, she felt she was mesmerized by the sensation. She gave in, but knowing that the man she made love to was the man using her. Using her body, her soul, her whole to get the money. She doesn't want to cry in front of him, she loved him and the only way to prove that is to let him go, set him free like a bird. She doesn't want to put him on a cage, because after all, they will be splitting ways.

That morning, Jose didn't notice her things packed up because she put it on a safety place. She waited for hours to go but telling Laura she just wanted to need a little space and go on a vacation. She was asked if they had their fights and told that it was just a normal thing on a newly wed couple. She smiled and kissed them goodbye. Her bag is not that big for them to believe she was out for a little trip and go back as soon as possible, but she brought the pictures and sentimental stuffs with her except the ring. Before she went downstairs, she wrote him a letter.

It was raining cats and dogs that the whole day so she decided to stay the night at a nearest inn in the county. She made herself comfortable, yet she cannot resist to cry, thinking how Jose could ever do that to her. She just could never imagine, she gave her all to him, she was a good wife even their marriage was fake only she found out the cruelty of her husband. She never noticed she cried herself to sleep.


Jose was so excited to go home to see Alex and ask her a date, even it was raining hard, he manage to go home. He was so happy, he could carry her wife, he wanted to made love to her every time, last night was so amazing, so fantastic as if it was the last time. He went upstairs excitedly only to found no sign of Alex, he checked on  the bathroom but then again, no Alex and he found a note on a bed-side table, it was not a note totally, it was hand written letter. He sat down at the and read it.


You know how much I love you, you know that I care for you and no matter how cruel you are at the first time, I still find you so cute, so handsome and adorable. I love you baby, I love you so much that I gave my all to you, and whatever makes you happy, I will support you, I will stand by you. This love of mine, I can give up everything, even you baby, even you, I can set you free, which I need to because that's all you  wanted, I'm not the woman who fits to be on your arm, to be the one you cuddle to, I'm not the one you wanted and surely not the one you love. So now, I will not make you my prisoner, I'm sorry if you feel that way, I am so sorry that I never reacted to what Laura's idea. But don't worry baby, I will no longer be with you so you can do whatever you want, and I hope you will be happy with Elena, because she is the one you love. I hope you will have a happy family with her. I know it's hurt but what hurts more seeing you suffer in my hands, and I don't want to do that to you, my love. Thank you for the memories, I love you and goodbye babe.


He didn't notice the tears rolling down his cheeks. He could never imagine a woman like her would make him cry, he never cry, even in his parents funeral. She was the only woman who made this thing. He never felt pain before, but now.

He went downstairs to ask them about Alex, where she'll go.

"She just told us she wanted to have space, she never told us where she's going." Tia Rita said. "Por que, mijo?"

"Nada tia, she's gone." He broke down and cry.

"What do you mean she's gone?" She held him.

He gave her the letter and she can't stop her tears, she cannot imagine she would do that, her love for him was so real she could hurt herself just to make sure he's happy but little did she know he was truly in love with her, and he's telling her that.

Rita hugged him and caressing his back. "Shhh mijo, it's fine."

"No tia, she will not come back to me anymore." He then sobbed.

"Hush now boy, she'll come back, have faith."

"If hope she will, tia. I really hope."

That night, he swim into the ocean of beer. He drunk that night, he smoked and he cried. Then he manage to go shower and sleep naked under covers.

He still felt the hotness of their love making on the bed, he can't resist himself, his cock erected but try to ignore it, he can't have nobody and he shouldn't have but Alex. He just slept disturbed by the erection of his big cock.


In the morning, Alex was getting ready for her trip. She curved a sad smile on her face. Thinking that somehow someday, they would meet as an acquittance and will feel no hurt bit happiness, some day.

While walking on the hallway, she felt dizzy but she ignore it, maybe it was just a lack of sleep or something, so she continue walking faster. In the lobby, so perfect timing that several people are there, she fainted and all were blackened. Every body shouted and yelled like "call 911" or "help her" and she don't know then.


Jose was awakened by the rang of his phone, he was confused, he usually doesn't alarmed his phone. It was a call though, unknown number, he answered it.

"Hello." He utter in a cracking voice.

The caller spoke and told him about what happened to his wife. He thanked the woman and end the call. He bathed and quickly dressed up, drove himself to the said hospital. He asked the nurse where is his wife, he looked like a crazy man, he even bump his hands on the counter and scolded the nurse in charge. Then he met the doctor who called him earlier and headed their way to the hospital room.

He couldn't imagine his wife laying on that bed, he was so nervous and doesn't know yet what happened to her.

"Don't worry Mr. Lucas, it's just normal." Said Dr. Kanter.

"What do you mean normal, doc?" He asked.

Dr. Kanter smiled, "She's eleven pregnant."

His eyes grew big and looked at the doctor. He was so surprised.

"What? Really? I mean, wow." He hugged the woman.

He held Alex's hand, kissed it and he cried. Seeing her in pain made his world go round faster and he was feeling dizzy, yet he manage to be strong. He was so sorry, whatever his fault, he was still confuse until now but what he never know was the reason she left.

He looked at her, she was so beautiful, her face was so peaceful he couldn't think she'd gone through in pain. He kissed her forehead.

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