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In the morning, Alex was awake by a delicious smell, she touched the side of the bed and couldn't find Jose. It was warm yet, she covered her body with a blanket and stood up, she felt her body pained and pussy sore, but smiled remembering the scenario last night. She grabbed a bathrobe and wore it. She went to the bathroom and took a shower. After, dressed up and walked to the dining area.

"Good morning. You took a shower already." Jose said looking at her.

"Good morning." She replied.

"Perfect, I'm done already. Let's eat."

She walked over to the table, Jose notice her walking like an injured person. She hear him chuckled.

"What?" She threw an icy stare to her husband.

"Nothing, I knew it was my fault, I'm sorry to make you walk like that." He walked towards her and kissed her.

She responded but suddenly stopped. "Let's eat."

"Yeah." He laughed.

After eating, they stayed at home and watched movie whole day. They stayed together closely.

The movie was finished, Jose turned it off and start making conversation.

"Alex, I know how cruel I am to you, I just wanted to say sorry for everything. It is not that I don't want to marry you, of course I do love the idea so much but I was insulted too, I felt I am not a man to ask you for that. I was going to ask you the night if grandma haven't caught us. For our relationship has already a label yet I don't have a chance. We have been set up by this fake marriage. I hate to admit to myself but the first time I saw you, I was fascinated by your beauty, and that time we had our first kiss, so corny as it sound but I felt the spark. Alex, I think I love you and I know that it's hard for you to love a man like me, but I'm willing to wait, babe. I am." He slid a tear, holds her hands and kissed it.

"I love you too, Jose."

"Shhh, lady, don't say that, I know you were just being forced and-"

"I do, that's why I'm getting hurt when you teased me, I wanted you to make love to me, I wanted to give myself to you, my all, but ended up nothing. But now, I'm so happy to find out that you loved me too." She sobbed, she cried for happiness this time.

He kissed her with all the gentleness, tender care and love. The fire was being lit up again. The both of them felt the strong and wild sensation that only the two of them made for each other.

"Get dressed baby, I wanna show you something." Jose said after the kiss they shared.

"Where are we?"

"I'm asking you to go out on a date."

"You are not sound like you are asking?"

"Go get dress, lady or I will do it myself."


Jose brought her to a fancy restaurant in the City. The theme was so romantic with all the roses and the surrounding. The music played by the orchestra, it was classic and lovely. The people especially girls are watching them as they walked to their table, girls are eyeing Jose with the lust and in a seductive way. They were on their sit and looked at the menu. Afterwards, they order and eat. After they ate, perfect the instrumental song played was King and Queen of Hearts by David Pomeranz.

"May I have this dance?" He took Alex's hand without any hesitation. He slowly walked her to the dance floor before she could answer his question.

The song was so sweet, even they are husband and wife now, she couldn't still get enough the feeling of nervous. She felt her cheeks are so red right now. They looked into each others eyes and they swayed to the beat of sweet music. It was perfect for the lovers.

"You're so beautiful tonight." He whispered in her ears.

She felt being tickled by the husky voice of him. "Thank you." She smiled.

"Thank you is not enough. I want you to pay for that."

"What have I done?"

"You're so beautiful, you're making me so hard."

She giggled. "You naughty one." She slapped his arm lightly.

"I want you, baby, I want to make love to you, now." He kissed her cheek.

"Not hear, you boy." She said.

"Babe you're so beautiful. I shouldn't have brought you here and stayed at the hotel so we can make love whenever we want."

"Thanks for bringing me here though."

After dinner, they went to the mall and he lead her to the lingerie store. He was the one whose choosing the nighties.

"Wear this tonight." He was referring to the one he's holding and showed it to her, it was very sexy and seductive.

"You are that excited huh, okay and let's go home, I'm tired."


"Yeah yeah okay, let's make love." She whispered in to his ears the last phrase she said and wetted her lips, licked it.

"Damn, don't do this to me or I can't resist I will take you right here right now."

She just giggled. After paying the thing they bought, they went home.

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