Chapter 31

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Ironically, we went to the earth tribe.

I hadn't mentioned that I needed to go to the capital, and I'd forced Zeno not to mention it. But I kept my hood up as we walked through the busy street. Everyone's moods where as energetic as the villagers around us.

"Is that you, Azumi?" A familiar voice called. I turned around and my jaw dropped.

"No way" I chuckled as everyone turned to us.

"It is you!" Aki laughed, already crying and charging forward, hugging me tightly.

"Aki, how are you?" I chuckled. 

"We should be asking you that. Last time we saw you, you where a hobbling mess" Hiro scolded, coming up beside the sobbing Aki.

"Who are these people?" Aki asked, suddenly becoming protective over me.

"Ah, these are my friends. They're a group of travelling entertainers" I smirked.

"Where you hiding from us?" Hiro suddenly asked, noticing my hood. I sweat dropped.

"Not you specifically... Is Yun-ho here?" I asked. They both shook their head.

"As part of our training, we have to do patrols of a certain village for a while" Aki said, crossing his arms.

"And you won't guess who we got grouped up with" Hiro said, anger instantly coming over his face.

"Oh, that guy that tried to hit on me?" I asked, cocking my head. Yoon spat out the rice ball he was half way through eating.

"What?" He cried. I chuckled, amused at his reaction.

"It is him. Because of you, he refuses to even meet our eyes" Aki chuckled.

"Because of me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"General Geun-tae literally uses you as a threat now. He says that he can contact you and come get you to teach us at any moment" Hiro said, nodding.

"That adult sized baby..." I growled under my breath, clenching my fist.

"Oh, everyone's started calling him that. It really pisses him off" Aki snickered.

"Did I really have that much influence?" I asked.

"Eizo almost pees his pants at the mention of you" Hiro said.

"Eizo?" I asked.

"That's his name" Aki hummed.

"Ah, that's right. Here" I said, pulling the cloak out and passing it to Hiro.

"Eh?" He asked in surprise, taking it from me. He unfolded it and laughed.

"A cloak" he chuckled.

"I bought it a while back. I remember making a promise to you that I'd buy you one. It's a shame because you can't wear it, your armor has to be in view... But there you go" I chuckled, shrugging.

"This is amazing! How much was this?" He asked, reaching toward's his pockets.

"Free" I smirked. He blinked at me.

"Bullshit" He said.

Yona suddenly yelped in surprise and we all turned around. 

"Yoon's rice ball was taken..." Yona muttered, watching a little boy run of.

"What!?" Yoon yelled.

"Prove to me I shouldn't teach you my selves" I smirked to the boys in front of me.

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