Chapter 53

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It was becoming unbearable.

In these times of solitude, all I could really do was reflect. I realized just how much I had come to rely on Yona and the others. Having so many people around, I was never lonely. I always had someone to talk to, even if it was Shin-ha who commented at random with a few words, and if you're lucky a sentence. What I had thought was distrust, was just my fear of failing them. I had made my self a reputation, which sometimes I could not uphold. I may not be the leader, but I had to be a comforting, stable presence. I saved people, was rarely ever injured, and stayed strong through everything. But slowly my strength was fading. Long ago I had realized that I was digging my own grave, but I never did anything to stop my self.

Yona, Hak, Yoon, Kija, Shin-ha, Jae-ha, Zeno, Soo-won, Mundok, Min-soo, King Il, Gigan, Hiro, Aki... All those people had been too kind to me, and I had taken it all for granted. I'm realizing just how much of a horrible person I am.

There was suddenly the slam of a door up stairs, and I glanced up to find one of the body guards running down the steps. He pulled open the cell door, lifting me up over his shoulder.

"Oooh~ Am I being promoted?" I questioned.

"Shut up" He grumbled, storming back up the steps.  We went out side and out into the street, hiding on the other side as familiar soldiers appeared at the corner of the street. They silently approached, along with familiar gang members, before storming the building and finding it empty. My eyes widened as Soo-won him self stepped onto the street, Joo-doh following and complaining. A gag was shoved into my mouth as I began to wiggle, trying to get out of the mans grip. The leader of the clan stepped out, sighing, before shaking his head at Soo-won. I screamed as loud as I could and they stopped dead. The man holding me growled, throwing my head into his shoulder as he slowly shifted away.

"That sounded like..." Soo-won muttered. The clan leader whirled around and before anyone could blink, a knife was protruding from the mans throat. I cried out in surprise as we slumped and I was thrown across the floor. I forced my self to roll, stopping at the clan leader's feet. He blinked down at me, every person there absolutely stunned.

"Azumi...?" He muttered, pulling out the gag.

"So you aren't cowards after all. Thank god, another day and I would have died" I chuckled, throwing my self to my feet and stumbling slightly, only to be caught by Soo-won.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Don't mind me. They're getting away. I'll show you the way" I said.

"But you're injured!" Soo-won gasped, absolutely horrified.

"What's more important, capturing psychopaths or me?" I asked harshly, meeting eyes with Soo-won. He gasped. No matter how much better I felt in the fresh air, with Soo-won's arms around me, my eyes where still dull. That week was the hardest of my life, and I would forever be scared. I was terrified as well, I wanted nothing more then to run away and never returned to this cursed city. But this was important. I knew their whereabouts. No one else did.

"Fine, where are your daggers?" Soo-won sighed.

"They've got them" I said as the clan leader undid my arms and legs, frowning at my left wrist but saying nothing. I rubbed my sore joints, muttering curses under my breath.

"You shouldn't follow, it's far too dangerous" I told Soo-won.

"What? I-" He began.

"They are as strong as I, and with their numbers, they're practically invincible" I warned.

"If you're going, then I'm going to" he declared, unsheathing his own sword. I sighed, but I couldn't help but feel my lips curl up slightly. I charged forward, both leaders calling their men after me. I ignored them, sliding through the streets. Even in my weakened state, they struggled to keep up, which was giving them an idea of just how strong these people are.

I burst out into the abandoned plaza silently, Soo-won and the clan leader bursting out after me a lot more loudly. This alerted the guild of our presence.

"What is the meaning of this?" The guild leader snapped. Then he noticed me and pure fury covered his face. He instantly unsheathed his sword, his eyes never leaving mine as he pointed the sword towards the sky.

"Men, charge! Our biggest enemy is the girl!" The guild leader yelled. There was a sudden crack in the air and Ju-doh was in front of me, killing multiple men at once.

"You've grown weak" He scolded me.

"Please forgive me" I snorted, turning around and taking some throwing knives from an offering soldier. I then vaulted up onto the roof, almost falling off in my moment of pain.

"Get these bastards! For my father!" The leader of the clan screamed, and they charged, over whelming the severely weakened guild.

"Soldiers, forward!" Soo-won called. The guild had no chance. But the leader ignored them and charged me. I threw knife after knife, without mercy. But he simply slashed them away like a base ball bat, the knives not faltering his pace or course in the slightest.

"You! You are the down fall of my business!" He snarled, pure hatred burning through his eyes.

"I apologize, but your 'business' sickens me" I spat back. I rose shakily to my feet, about to intercept, before Soo-won suddenly appeared in front of him, his sword already in the guild leader's stomach. My eyes widened as the guild's leader coughed blood, it landing across Soo-won's cloak as he slumped onto his knees, clutching his stomach which Soo-won had already ripped his sword out of.

"Before I die... Who are you?" He croaked.

"My name is Soo-won, I am the king of Kouka" Soo-won answered. Both clan and guild members eyes went wide.

"And you, who are you?" He asked me.

"My name is Azumi, and I'm just a traveler"

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