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"What is the meaning of life?"

"To live, to die and to be reborn."

"What if I want to stop at death and just to be forgotten by everyone? Like I lived my life and did what I wanted so why do it again but in a different body?"

Duke furrow his brows not understanding Harry on why he speaks about death like it was his only option. He told him that even in death the dead are never forgotten so why forget his best friend?

"To experience what they'll go through, not everyone is the same dude, for example um.. I was born a boy and I want to be a girl, and um.. But I can't so you have to adventure with the new person and try to make them into a girl so you can be happy and free."

Harry looked to Duke. "Do you want to trans to a girl?"

"What, no?" he groan. "I'm saying you never what that person will be doing if reborn idiot."

"Mhmm." Harry smirked making Duke shove his shoulder.

Harry frown as he remember he had to go to his grandma funeral tomorrow after he broke the news to Gemma who told his mother, he would have told her but he still couldn't face her still dealing with the issue of her remarrying another man.

"I'll see you tomorrow, H." Harry nods as Duke showed himself out of his room.

Duke reached the door only to pause hearing talking in a room across the door entrance. He slowly walked to the door only to pull away quickly as he heard Harry footsteps near him.

"Forgot your phone." he said tossing the phone as he nods thanking him and walked back to the entrance and left.

Harry let out a sigh as he went to all the windows and cover them up with his curtains to block most of the sun out as he open the room to see Alisha and Louis with red eyes as they sniff him making him freeze in his spot.

"Please don't drink my blood, I'm not a healthy person." he rushed out at they hissed.

"You smell like a wild dog." Louis said pulling back cringing.

"A what?"

"A werewolf, but more wild, you smell like one."

Harry furrowed his brows still not understanding he's never been near a wild dog or werewolf so he wouldn't know how he got the scent. Zayn was the last to sniff Harry as his eye's went black looking at Harry disgusted.

"Your friend that left is a wild dog." Zayn said as the smelt the musk a wild dog carries with them into Harry's room sniffing everything. "Duke is his name, yes?"

Harry just stays still not knowing if he should say anything.

If I say yes will he kill me or maybe kill Duke-Is she reading my mind?  Now she's smiling why oh my.. Get out!”

Alisha giggles as she sent the message to Zayn as his lips twitch slightly from hearing Harry's thoughts.

“Harry, is he a wild dog or not?”Louis asked getting impatient as Harry shrugged really not knowing.

“I don't really know, I seen him day and night as a human so I'm sure he's not?  Maybe he bump into one and the smell just got on him?” Harry thought out.

“Its to strong to be passed on, he either one or he hangs out with a pack that he knows.” Louis spoke pulling out a cigarette.

“Don't smoke in my room!  Zayn?”

Harry looked to Zayn who looked over to Louis telling him to go outside in the sun or wait till night so they can leave as soon the sun disappeared. Harry thanked Zayn as he looked over to the calander groaning as he needed a few more weeks till his mothers wedding anniversary and he rather take his grandma place than going.

“Why won't you see your mom?” Alisha asked always curious even in situations that she's not supposed to be involved in. “I would be happy to see my mom if I had a chance.”

“What happened-”

“Car crash, we had an argument and she only took her eyes off the road for a split second only to run into a log truck.” she smiles sadly.

Harry looked at her telling her he's sorry in his mind as she thanked him saying it was years ago but never the less she wouldn't be forgotten.

“My mom remarried and forgot my stepdad like yesterday day tuna sandwich!” he threw himself in the bed as Alisha followed persute. “I seen him once and already hate him, Liam.. What a stupid name for a man who has money and two kids of his own already why get two more why don't you?”

Louis chuckle at Harry's behavior.

“Tough luck man, my dad remarried a woman when I was your age and now she's pregnant with another kid.”

“If my gets knocked up again I will run away, having a older sister is already bad enough, speaking of sisters mine is on her way so either hide or stay out.”

“She hot?” Harry cringe.

“Listen here Dracula, hit, bite or even think about her in any way I will stake your heart.” Harry threatens .

Zayn laughed shaking his head at Harry's innocent threat making him look over to the man confused on what was funny?  Was it his face?  Nah couldn't be.

“We don't die by the wooden stick to the heart, it's already dead we're dead.” Zayn explained. “Can't kill a dead thing if it's already dead.”

“Then how can you die?”

Zayn raised a brow moving on top of Harry making him blink at the fast movement and blush seeing how close Zayn was.

“Why would you like to know?  Just in case I try to bite your neck?” Harry felt chills run down his arms getting to happy about this.. To happy.

“Sun light?”

Zayn shook his head getting off of Harry as he steps to the cover window telling Alisha and Louis to stand back.

“Vampires somehow are immune to sunlight meaning we can walk during day but I choose not to,” he paused pulling back a bit of the curtains. “We don't burn or sparkle, we just show our true form.. ”

Zayn trail off as he stuck his hand out into the light to show his skin become cracked and flaky as his veins rise up to his skin showing the blackness and lack of blood he has proving he's dead and his nails turned almost blue like frostbite.

Harry got closer to get a better look on how it looked as he slowly held hands bringing Zayn more into the sun as only a bit of his face caught sun making him step back into the shadows and closing the curtains in anger looking to Harry who looked remorse about pushing it to far.

“This is why we like the dark, Louis and Alisha don't know what they look like in the sun but I do and I want to make sure sunlight never touches mine or their skin once more.” he hissed storming out of the room.

Zayn stopped midway through the hall using his hearing as he caught Harry saying something making something in his body ache.

“Should have been me dead.”

An:to soon?  Like I'm I pushing the relationship to quick???

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now