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An: Jason Momoa plays DeAngelo.

"Welcome to our home," DeAngelo spoke showing the high end home he owns to the boys as they enter looking at the lavish house. "Since the Aztecs where powerful and like us they enslaved some Muslims to build this home but of course books like to say we killed them when most of them are just like us as a gift in return." He explained.

Zayn looked around the house seeing how cultural the home was with the Muslim style of home and yet Aztec.

"The book your holding is just a copy holding maybe ten things about the Death Walker, but we carry the original just in case that falls into the wrong hands, surprised James even remembered he had a studies." DeAngelo said sipping out of a golden cup.

"Are you going to tell us about Harry and why he moved out friends body or just bash us on our elder?" Louis hissed getting irritated by the man.

DeAngelo smiled as he turned around walking down a hallway as they followed him as he lead them to a big arched door with a symbol of a sword and crescent moon in the center as he pushed them open to reveal a larger studies.

People scattered around the studies as it looked torn apart, shelved fallen to the floor as books are torn apart and scattered all over the floor as some death eaters laid lifeless on the ground.

DeAngelo and his members looked confused and are in shocked at what happened as Zayn looked to Louis and Duke knowingly who did this.

"What the fuck happened?" DeAngelo shouts as some death eaters looked at him scared, but not cause of him but of the thing that attacked them.

A woman came up to him with blood on her hands as she had tears in her red eyes.

"That thing in the pyramid escaped and attacked us, and took the book that was locked away." She spoke seeing Zayn and the others behind him.

"Impossible! How can she escape the pyramids, its built to keep her and anything else in forever, the alarm would have gone off if she even tried."

Duke nudges Zayn.

"Harry, he's confused on what he is and he probably heard us talk about India."


"He has both a wild dog and death eater hearing ability, he can probably hear us for miles, who knows." Duke shrugged as Zayn frown.

"You, tell me more about this shifter, why is he coming after the book if he doesn't even know about the supernatural world." DeAngelo grits out eyes turning black as Zayn did to.

"I would be careful when changing your eye color," Zayn hissed lowly as his faded back to brown and DeAngelo red. "I don't know why he would take the book, he's a shifter can't tell where he went, he doesn't even know what he is, but I'm sure if we go speak to the original Death Walker she'll know."

"Your crazy mate, there is a reason for her being locked up."

"Want this to happen to you or your people next? If he grows stronger who knows what things he could do once he finds out what he is and trust me the monster your fearing isn't the one in chains."

DeAngelo looked to Zayn thinking he was crazy but he knew he was right, if he wanted to know why Harry took his book he needed to ask the one who was the first one who was created from the ancient times. DeAngelo looked to the nine death eaters who stood by his side nodding at them as they left the room to prepare the trip ahead of them.

"We agreed to go to the original, but be aware she's vicious and tricky to get a simple answer from."

The ride was almost an hour as they each got on a camel as a guide walked besides them explaining some historical facts about India and other Asia parts as everyone could see the three pyramids from the far.

"The three pyramids were built to please our Kings and Queens even though their people were slaves and treated them horribly they were promised to go to heaven." The guide said as he looked back to see their red eyes

"But of course you all know the actual truth of the Egyptian people." He said smiling showing his fangs and red eyes.

Duke furrowed his brows.

"Is everyone here a death eater? Like no wild dog or anything?" He asked curiously as they nodded.

"Well we knew something was off, your scent carried for miles and we knew werewolves don't typically live somewhere dry." A teenager spoke as he looked to him sending a low hiss.

"Watch it mate, I'll kill if you do that again." Louis shouts as his eyes black as the teen stopped looking away.

A girl laughed as she passed him.

"Never mess with James creations, they are more angry than others." She said licking her lips looking up at Zayn winking.

Louis raised a brow to her as he looked over to Zayn who had a scowling face really not caring for the women flirting with him.

DeAngelo chuckled.

"We have a few here and there, but rogues of course always liking to stay in a wolf's formation becoming more of a animal than human, they loose their mind if human for even a second, but of course they don't stay near town only to mate or pass by with permission."

"So no war?" Duke asked making DeAngelo shake his head.

"Why war? We both know we'll lose our people might as well stay in numbers." He said as he looked back to Duke. "Why do you ask?"

"My father Liam Prescott, he's an alpha killed my half brother and wants me dead next and have Zayn mate to rule the pack by calling a war on us."

"The wild dog who thinks he's can get away with murder and forced a war over a shifter who's now a Death Walker, this is why we should have taken over control on the Elders system!" A man shouts as DeAngelo rolled his eyes.

"You know the rules, only if they go against the code of conduct."

"And that is..."

"Creative new borns under the age of ten, performing a bite on humans in public and the practice of well.. Zayn mate of course but it's not broken cause you didn't know till it happened." DeAngelo informs.

All the camels came to sudden stop as the guide turns to them.

"Welcome to the Pyramids of The Aztecs Egyptian, also known as three pyramids."

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin