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An: should i make a playlist for this book??   I always wanted to do one but idk??  Any thoughts or songs I should check out??

Time: 6:30 am

Date: January 29th 2023

Location: Alberto Grill & Bar

Harry stared at the cold glass in front of him as he thought about life and other things, like why is he a drunk now?  Maybe if he made a move she be alive or at least switch places and how would his family feel if he did die?

“Hey kid you going to drink that?” a homeless man asked as Harry shakes his head handing him over the glass of alcohol.

Harry nods at the man paying his tab turing his stool around and hop off feeling a bit buzzed from everything he took as he slowly walked out the bar seeing the sun was close to setting in the horizon.

“Fuck wild dogs, and fuck vampires and fuck every creature ever born.” he grits under his breath.

Harry cursed as he remember that day he came home from the funeral ,passing out from loosing blood for hitting his head and them waking up in a hospital with Louis and Alisha by his side.

“Where-why am I here?”

“You were bleeding out badly so we brought you here.” Alisha spoke holding his warm hand.

“How long was I out for?”

“Three days, doctor's thought you were in a coma but it was just your body weak from blood loss.” Louis explain as Harry nodded.

Harry enter his grandma house that was almost empty as he sold or burned away most of the things he didn't need anymore. This is his home now, he payed for the light, water anything he couldn't bare to lose the house to someone else.

“This house is ugly just like your attitude.” Harry jokes helping his grandma move in.

“But not as ugly as those boots your wearing.” Harry rolled his eyes.

Harry paused in the living room looking at the frames that hung on the wall seeing most of them of her and his grandpa as other were of her young and then one caught his eye. Looking closely he saw a picture of him and her sitting together smiling wide as he lost his third front tooth making him grab the frame.

“Bad things always happen to good people no matter what age, or how poor or rich they are, bad always finds a way.” a sixteen year old Harry said as he sat in the back row of his stepfather funeral.

“He died of natural causes,  the treatment wasn't enough to save him.” his grandma said as he looked over to her.

He watched how Gemna smiled at family as they said their sorry to her and his mom.  He couldn't handle the pain in his heart any longer he was angered, upset and empty.

“It's body's nature to fight back, why didn't his even try?  The doctor's lied to me and my mom in our face saying he would get better and to never expect the worst,  and look where we are there days later.”

“Harry their is nothing we could have done, life happens, soon we'll die, I'll die as well.” she said making Harry look up at her.

“But I promise you I wouldn't let anything happen to you, I'll find a way to make sure your still breathing.”

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now