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Honestly I love this mix so much!! Hopefully this fits the chapter. :)

"What did you do to me?" She hissed at Zayn shoving him hard as he stood his ground. "Why the fuck am I like this!"

"I don't know! I didn't mean to turn you I didn't think you would." He mumbles looking to the red head as she grew angry.

"I can't go home knowing I'm like this, what do I do?" She asked looking up to Zayn who shrugged not knowing either.

She stared at him hearing his voice in his mind as he just looked at her weirdly as he looked away still thinking in his head as he tried to think of a way to get rid of her as she hissed at him making him turn.

"You can't get rid of me, I'm your problem now!" He looked shocked at first then turn his face stone cold.

"I'm not responsible for you, never will be and I wouldn't care if you died in front of me."

The battle continued as Zayn attacked Liam as others fought alongside them night creature against death eaters as they each killed one another. Blood spilled, souls gone as others ran off injured not wanting to battle any longer.

"Give up boy, you can't defeat an alpha!" Liam snarled as he stood over Zayn body as Zayn groan.

"I may not, but he can." Liam furrow his brows as he turned to see Duke running to him knocking his dad down growling as they both tumble.

Zayn quickly got up as he spots Harry next to Alisha body holding her cold hands as his was covered In her blood as tears stream down his face. Carefully he picked up the boy running to the doors to only be knocked down dropping Harry as he screamed in pain as his body tingle going numb.

Zayn whipped his head around to see a wild dog growling at him snapping his muzzle as he got up tackling the animal breaking his ribs and sticking his hand through his chest and back out with his heart in hand.

He felt like everything was in slow motion as he watched his family go down as wild dogs were not powerful but just outnumbered by hundreds.

Zayn turned to see harry not moving on the floor making him rush over falling to his knees to hear shallow breathing as he turned his body to see blood coming out his nose as the shifter side is weakening and slowly killing Harry.

"Baby say something, please." Zayn felt empty as he watch Harry fluttered his eyes slowly as he looked to him for a split second.

"Behind you-"

Zayn was snatched by Liam as he held him by his shoulder biting down into his flesh as Zayn groan trying to get him off as he couldn't get a good grip on Liam. Soon Zayn was tossed to a wall making him his his head as he felt the pain and dizziness from the impact as he sees blurry Louis in front of him trying to snap him out .

"Mate, get up Harry's gone Liam took him we have to get him before-"

Everything went silent as a scream was heard as every wild dog and death eater stopped fighting as the scream of Harry emerged throughout the house followed by Liam's howling making all wild dogs retreat into the woods as they noticed their fallen families.

"Let's take a moment to say goodbye to our fallen sister's and brothers." James spoke as everyone stayed quite.

Louis ignored the prayers as he helped Zayn up to heard a thud hit the floor to see Harry on the floor covering his shoulder as blood covered his arm and neck. Zayn shook  his head limping to him not fully healed as he looked confused on what to do.

"Liam, he bite me and it hurts all over." Harry sobbed as Liam's venom spread like wildfire throughout his body.

Everyone gathered around to see what happened as the elders hissed at the sight and smell of wild dog coming from Harry as James looked away disappointed.

"Kill him or he'll be one of them forever, he's a worthless human Zayn there is nothing you or we can do to save his life.” a elder  spoke making Louis shove him as he looked to Louis not in fear.

Zayn looked down to Harry as he held his wrist as the vemon of a wild dog sweep through his blood slowly changing him as Harry gave Zayn a look of pain but he was so at peace of the elders words.

“It's okay Zayn, I'm not scared anymore, just make it quick.” Harry groan as the change makes his shifter take the bite.

Zayn shakes his head. “Please baby, you can be one of us I just can get rid of the change and-”

“Zayn it's to late..look,” Harry showed him his claws and teeth as his eye's change every second. “I'll be okay, I'll still love you no matter what...”

Zayn shakes his head as he turned Harry's head to the side leaning down placing kisses along his neck side feeling his rapid pulse of his heart before letting his fangs grazed the skin then biting down as Harry let out a groan squeezing his eyes shut as tears stream down his face as he tasted human blood , Harry's blood making his brown eyes turn red as he shuts his eyes feeling the pain his love felt.

Pulling away Harry turned to him searching for his hand as Zayn let him hold it still looking down to mouth full of blood.

"I love you," Harry smiled weakly. "Ever since that night I knew I felt something for you and I still think your Jesus." The both laugh as Zayn rubbed his tears away. "Dont ever think less of yourself Zayn, you hated what you've become and let the world view you as a monster but your not ,your so much more than a soulless demon."

Zayn nods as Harry takes his last breathe of air before he closed his eyes as Zayn listen closely for a heart beat but was none as all the death eaters around him felt pain and sorrow as Louis came up behind him holding onto his shoulder squeezing it to reassure him that it's okay to feel sadness and the pain he felt.

They lost Alisha and Harry in one night.

Everyone turned to hear a whimper sound to see Duke in his wild dog form as he stepped forward to see his best friend dead as he looked up to Zayn who just shakes his head as Duke laid next to his body placing his head on Zayn lap as he howl lowly.

"What happened?"

"Something that shouldn't happen."

An: sorryyyyy

It's not the end though there are more chapters ahead

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