
798 58 13

Time: 10:23 am

Location: Adam's Funeral Home

Harry looked down at the message his sister sent him last night staring at the bright screen sighing not sure if he even wanted to go at all.

Gemma came by earlier to talk to Harry and ask him how he even survived the accident but he couldn't tell her he just couldn't say three vampires rescued him and one of them he might slightly like he didn't know he was confused at the feeling.

“How did you run from them?” he remember her asking as he wanted to sat he cried and screamed but all he did was shrug.

“I don't know, I can't remember, just.. It was all to fast Gem, I don't want to talk about it.” he said as Gemma looked at him worried and unsure on what to do.

“Don't blame yourself Harry, grandma would tell you the same.”

“She died cause of me, I wanted to go to the mall to get a job but the curfew ..I didn't know it was pass seven I didn't know.” Harry sobbed as Gemma tried to comfort her brother only for him to shrug her off.

“Mom would understand-”

“Screw mom, she hates me more than ever I killed her mom, and I'm sure Liam does to.”

“Harry?” a soft voice spoke making him snap out of his thoughts.

Harry slowly looks up to see his mother only for him to stay quite and move to the opposite side of the funeral home trying to ignore his family especially his cousin's who always annoyed him since he was a child.

“That was rude of you to do.” Harry heard a gruff voice as he turns to see his mothers new husband.

“Hmm, could say the same for marrying my mother after my stepfather died but don't take it personal, I really don't like you or care for your existence.” Harry snapped chugging the wine trying to stay calm.

Liam looked anger at Harry but Harry could care any less in what he thought of him. He didn't need anyone to point out what he did he felt betrayed by his mother but yet she's happy and Harry hated the conflict in his head.

“Your mother loves you, why can't you accept she's happy?”

Harry scoffed. “My real dad never made her happy till my stepfather stepped up his game and made her happy, don't flatter yourself Liam.”

Harry grabbed another wine only for Liam to snag it out of his hands and toss it to the floor catching everyone attention.

“What the fuck is your problem?”

Liam gripped Harry's tux pushing him to the wall as he stared deep into Harry's eye's.

[Play this song.. Idk if it goes well for this part.]

“You are a worthless kid, Harry can't accept the fact everyone moved on and is happy but you?  Why?  Can't find anyone to love or give it back to you so you go out of your way to make everyone and your mother feel like shit!”

“Screw you man, you know nothing, my grandma just fucking died by a vampire last night and I'm grieving in my way and you want to make it about you who I clearly don't give shit about or how you make my mother happy?” Harry punched Liam making him hiss at the pain in his knuckls.

Life After Life {Zarry}✔Where stories live. Discover now